Hello pipol.
My girlfriend of 18, we've been together now for almost 5 months and im 19.
She has 2 sides. The good side, and the evil side. This, will be all about her evil side.
I assume that some of you here would have also noticed my other threads asking advice about my gf.
So, what about her evil side? Its horrible.
Every time i do something vaguely annoying, she goes Mental. And when things dont go the way she wants them to be, she immediately turns into this Demon and i cannot reason with her.
Everytime this happens, I try to explain my side of the story and she will Never listen.
Minor issues like, not being able to hear her on the phone, being late for about 10- 20 minutes to visit her at home, repeating information etc. All these minor issues annoy her and it causes arguments. She blames me without even asking me why somethings are happening.
Last night i told her i cant be sure i'll be able to visit her because i might not have money to visit her. And she turns into that demon. When a situation comes up which is not even MY FAULT, she goes mental and blames me for it and i end up Apologising to her knowing its not my fault.

Shes never understanding for me.
We live 1 hour away from each other. We meet each other almost EVERYDAY, and when i told her i cant be sure to be able to visit her tmrw, she goes to her demon stage. And to be honest, i want to visit her but i was not certain sa para plete.
Sometimes i have to force her to calm down when she starts to turn into that "demon". Yes, i have to literally grab her arms and hold her down.
She has admitted to me before that sometimes, she cant control her emotions.
I need help on this. I can't break up with her. I love her to bits

How do i get this evil side out of her?
Has anyone experienced this?