hilarious assumptions @pink.
im not bitter and i was never term'd or kicked out.
@raine, no offense btw. what i meant is recruiters will not hire high qual/experienced employees if they will just pay a not-so high rate. theoretically, if people know/realize their worth, skills, knowledge, capabilities etc etc they will eventually become someone management will not like- if expectations from both sides are not meet negative effect will happen. or sometimes, if their demands, expectations, compensation is unjustifiable, the employee might leave early or will not work properly.
though, i know mngt is taking care of your career,(somehow) your compensation (no offense) is barely enough that you might can't save and will only last til the next payday. or might can save a little.
i know we have different perception and mentalities. i once was an agent before who thinks only for survival til the next payday but a lot of different things happen before each payday. the realization i meant is the moment you feel that you are working just to pay debts and you can only enjoy life if there's an extra amount left. we should work not for our debts but to have a better life in the future. char