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  1. #1

    Cool Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Hello Istoryan's!

    a HOT LIST has been made by adz (One of's HOT CHICKS! Hehhe) and...

    We would like to know if YOU are 1 of's


    OR YOU know and want to nominate a member who wanna TAKE PART in an upcoming Fundraiser event this SUMMER!


    -Must be 18 to 50 years of age (Grabeh na jud naa pay muhangyu ug 60! LOLs)
    -Must be SINGLE
    -Must have pleasing personality
    -Must be a resident of CEBU CITY

    If you have what it takes & YOU wanna help, then forward the following details to:

    joylove's Eligible Bachelors & Bachelorettes

    • Istoryan name:

    • REAL NAME:

    • Nickname:

    • Address:

    • Contact #:

    • email address:

    • Describe yourself:



    NOTE: Beauty is in the eyes of the BEHOLDER! And you will be judged not only by the way you LOOK but also by your CHARACTER!


    Hot Dudes
    Hot Chicks
    Hot Momma's
    Hot Daddy's
    Hot Lolo's
    Hot Lola's
    Hot Couples

    ***Dinhi nato ma test (Sa mga Momma's, Daddy's & Couples if may asim pa ba sila or others would still find them HOT!)

    If you have been chosen to take part, CALL BACKS will be PM'd to YOU for Interview!

    If PICTURES are posted by members, PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THOSE PICS! Just simply address your POST to the poster or post #.
    Avoid OT's please lang kay para dli mapuno ug bugal2x ug samok ang THREAD!
    If you don't have anything GOOD to say, then just KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
    If you've got someone to NOMINATE, please post details of the person and make sure they have been notified and are UP for this challenge!


    General Registration/Entrance FEE of PHP150-PHP200 *** w/1 complimentary drink (Subject to change pa w/o prior notice kay sabuton pa namo with the VENUE MANAGER!)

    The REGISTRATION FEE entitles you to take part in the BIDDING & Speed dating process!

    If you wanna take part in the SPEED DATING, then please sign up. Limited slots only depending on VENUE & # of speed daters!


    1. Procedures
    o Speed dating almost always is conducted the same way, with a few variations on the placement of the daters, the time limit and so forth. In most cases, the women sit and remain seated for the duration of the speed-dating event. When a bell or other noise sounds, the men each sit across from a woman of their choice. The couples then have a set amount of time to converse with each other. True to its name, speed dating usually only allows about three to five minutes per "date," so that everyone in the room is allowed an opportunity to mingle. When the bell sounds again, the men get up and move to their right to start a new "date."
    Scoring Methods
    o At most speed-dating events, a scorecard and pen will be handed to each of the daters. On this scorecard, participants are to score or rate each of their dates for future reference. This is important, since you may meet up to twenty people in one night and may not remember the name of the person you liked the best. Scoring should be done discreetly between dates while the men are moving around. You may score a date on appearance, conversation and even any kind of immediate spark or attraction that you feel toward your date. Just make sure to write down the name of everyone you see to keep your thoughts organized.
    Conversation Rules
    o While three to five minutes is not much time to delve into deep conversation, it often will yield enough of a first impression so that you can make a judgment on whether or not you and a date would be compatible. However, there are some things that are off-limits to talk about while speed dating. The first is profession. This is because too often a dater will make a snap judgment about a person's job without getting to know the real person. You also are not allowed to talk about where you're from, to rule out those who only want to date someone from their own area. The goal of speed dating is to meet as many people as you can to find a match, so talk about interests, or favorite activities, foods or hobbies. Only give out your NICKNAMES!

    -At the end of ALL DATES, SEARCHERS will wait for their CUE CARD! The CUE CARDS would have the REAL NAMES & NUMBERS of the SEARCHEES (GIRLS) who might be interested to have a 2nd date round during the event to really get to know the SEARCHERS (GUYS)! If SEARCHERS get more than 1 CUE CARD, then it is up to the SEARCHERS who he would prioritize to have a date with AGAIN during the event! If SEARCHERS get a CUE CARD, then CONGRATS! If NOT, then better luck next time! At this point though, you can get to mingle with just about EVERYONE in the crowd!



    •- All AUCTIONEES can be viewed Here ONLINE and ON SITE!
    •- Details are posted ONLINE & ON SITE and will be introduced ON SITE!
    •- We reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids by a bidder.
    •- Placing a bid constitutes acceptance of the terms of sale as outlined herein. Once bids are made, they cannot be retracted by bidder. We cannot compromise the integrity of the auction by canceling bids.
    •- All AUCTIONEES are sold to the highest bidder for a DATE for TWO.
    •- We strongly urge bidders to place initial bids early
    •- Auction results will be announced at the conclusion of the auction.


    Minimum Bid/Initial Bid: PHP100
    Auction starts and ends on EVENT DAY!
    All AUCTIONEES will remain open until 5 minutes pass without a bid on AUCTIONEE.

    Call Backs: If you are the high bidder & winner of the AUCTIONEE for a DATE, please proceed to SECRETARIAT for you to give your HIGHEST BID as stated and to SEAT you and AUCTIONEE for your DATE!

    DATES: All DATES are SUPERVISED by GH CEBU Officers & Documented by CEBU SHOOTERS GUILD to avoid any bad issues should anything come up that would cause harm to AUCTIONEE, BIDDER, SPEED DATERS or AUDIENCES!

    Roses, Chocolates, Valentines Cards & Paraphernalias will be sold ON SITE so if you choose to give something to your DATE/AUCTIONEE, then feel free to do so!


    NOTE: Subject to change without prior notice!
    Last edited by angel_brey; 01-26-2012 at 02:49 PM.

  2. #2
    C.I.A. hash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    can i nominate myself?

  3. #3
    Elite Member qnxt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    ang pleasing personality raman wala sa akoa. Anyways... I'll contact Angel (anner)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    p.sti 36 nako.........

  5. #5

    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Quote Originally Posted by THE KID View Post
    p.sti 36 nako.........
    pwede pa na mahangyo Uly! hahaha

  6. #6

    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Quote Originally Posted by THE KID View Post
    p.sti 36 nako.........
    mada pana Bro, ipagawas lang ang "keller ismayl" !

  7. #7

    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Ah nahala cge atung hangyuon, himuon natong 40 OK ra? hahahahah

    Btaw anyone can JOIN as long as your ELIGIBLE and SINGLE! hehehe SINGLE MOMS or DADS or recently seprated, pwede ra sad! Basta its all in the spirit of FUN and FUNDRAISING!

  8. #8
    C.I.A. jesse5648's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Quote Originally Posted by THE KID View Post
    p.sti 36 nako.........
    mada raman guro ni ug storya

    30 nlng hehehhee

  9. #9

    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    Click image for larger version. 

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    are included in the ELIGIBLE BACHELORETTES list! Mga Chicks of GH CEBU! hehehe

    EDITING PA sorry ehehehehe

    MUapil ko....
    Click image for larger version. 

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    ug HOST ra ug EMCEE hahahahah wlay labot sa BIDDING! Hahahha
    Last edited by monrose29; 01-24-2012 at 01:42 AM. Reason: ..

  10. #10
    C.I.A. ryeaka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are you 1 of's eligible (Serious ni ha!) BACHELOR or BACHELORETTE?

    oi! ikaw diay apil ka oi hahahaha

  11.    Advertisement

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