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  1. #661

    Default Re: friends day?

    if m ur GF.. it s okay wit me na to hav u a frnds day... coz i'll be asking for it too for my self......
    actually everyone shud hav dat... since ur still two different individual.. hav different nids and likes...
    u still shud hav time for ur self and part of it is time for ur friend.. or any form nga naa ang imong interest
    ngadto nga makapalambo nimo as an indiviual!

  2. #662

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    elow n 'gel.. i missed you. hehehe musta si b nimo?
    MyMaria, gurl. thanx.. you're really, really right. and thanx for the nice words!
    Rommel.. korek ka jan pre. heheheh

    eherm.. i'll do what you guys say... happy halidays.

  3. #663


    -----------> in reality thats normal dont worry indi ka nag-iisa ... but still ok unless she tells you < is that all you`ve got my X can last 12rounds without taking a break >

  4. #664


    Lain nana kai mura man noon gi compare naka

  5. #665


    Sakto bay mura panikip butas kalang... mura nangita man tingali pa agi na magka bulag mo... pag watch out ana bro

  6. #666

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @bashka, dude, one thing I've learned that I would like to remind you is that everything is relative. Everything. Even the truth

    In your case, the bestfriend of your ex-girlfriend apparently has one version of the truth as you have yours. A story actually has more than two sides. You have yours and she has hers.

    You might want to take some time and effort to explain to her your personal emotions and impressions of your situation about your ex-girlfriend. Please do so if you feel the need to be justified but as one guy to another, don't waste your time or you'll fall into an endless loop of argument and heartache. Plus don't forget you have a gut feeling that those two have sided with each other to hoodwink you out of your hard-earned cash.

    I do not pretend to comprehend the entire story of you, your ex- and her bestfriend but since you're the one asking for help and opinions, I'm going to throw some Aesopian wisdom and some smart cliches your way:

    1) You cannot please everyone~ You are not Jesus nor Superman-- you are human. There is nothing wrong with that really. Just realize that your life has a limited time and your youth has an even shorter time. Learn to please yourself first, you'll live a happy life before it expires.

    2) Follow your heart~ God doesn't want people to suffer, particularly in this life. And He each us gave a heart in order for us to know our way to our own happiness. Follow your heart, if it tells you you are unhappy then that means you're on the wrong way or with the wrong person.

    3) S/He is who is sinless cast the first stone~ I don't really care for the curses and insults of your ex's bestfriend. She must be writing things in anger because her spelling and grammar are pathetic plus her entire message is truly un-Christian. If you are true and convinced about your stand, don't fear~ God protects a person with a clear, right conscience.

    May this experience serve as a lesson to you, friend Bashka, and this coming new year I sincerely hope you use what you have learned to afford yourself a new fresh start on life and love!

    Take care and seasons greetings!

  7. #667

    Default Re: friends day?

    Quote Originally Posted by d`monyita
    you arent married right? and even so... she should not stop you from seeing your friends... boys night out ika nga...

    does she go out with her galpals? if so.. tell her that you need bonding with men too... kay nasasakal ka na sige kayo magkasama... or something to that effect... she will get mad...but if she were mature she would understand.
    nope we r not married..and she doesnt go out with her frens.. and i think nahan sad cya na inana sad ko

  8. #668

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    wa jud blema if naa na kid ang girl cguro.. hinoon lisud dawaton but wats impt is not her past man ba.. entitled man cya ato.. basta dli lang minyo.

  9. #669



    dude, hehehe ka relate kaau ko ana imo situation.. dko ganahan ako gf mag cge hisgut sa iya EX nya kung iya EX na gni hisgutan, dugay kau mahuman istorya.. kesho iyang ex mao ni mao na.. pinangga kau xa sa iya ex sauna.. hatud-kuha xa sa iya ex sauna.. dugay pud sila sa iya ex sauna.. dd2 sila dapit nagkaila sa iyang ex sauna.. prmi lang sila magkuyog sa skwelahan sa iyang ex sauna.. sus iyang ex sauna kay loving kaau, caring, gwapo, buotan.. blah blah blah.. and all that nice things.. hehehehe nice noh?

    anyway, mao rani ako masulti bai -----> ANNOYING.

  10. #670

    Default Re: friends day?

    by all means take care of the rest of your social life. tell your gf to get herself a social life, too. what she's doing now is unhealthy for both of you.

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