Hello Everyone, I am new to the forums and using forums in general so if I do something stupid when trying to post something I apologies in advance.
I am a University student majoring in Political Science and minoring in religious studies. I watched Paranormal State since it premiered and I have all the dvd's, this show really got me interested in thinking about the paranormal and religion. I never had paranormal experiences as a child but have always believed in the paranormal and I have had some experiences in the past few years since my friend moved into a haunted house.
I am looking forward to meeting new people and learning from everyone here.
Extra fun fact time: I am one of the taller women in my immediate family, but I'm only 5'5’’. I was really tall as a little kid and grew really fast then just... stopped haha. My favorite Crypto zoology creatures have to be... fairies, and the Jersey Devil. I am very open to learning about different religions/spiritual practices.
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