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  1. #331
    C.I.A. ghostie2472's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Quote Originally Posted by vern View Post
    Seriously, WW3? Iran is a country not many people like. Who is going to risk WW3 for Iran? China? ... they are more interested in growing and winning the future with their economy. Russia? ... they've been in the Cold War with the US ... they couldn't compete. What other big power is going to come to Iran's defense? ... Realistically I mean. Lots of countries talk a lot. Not many actually want to back their talk with military power. Israel and the US however do more than just talk and Iran has been bombed by Israel before ... so what exactly is new this time?


    Scare tactics? You think I am scaring everyone? That I am the one saying all of these? SERIOUSLY?

    Now, let's say that Major General Zhang Zhaizhong was just joking around when he said that "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War." Though is it not clear when the statement was made or in what context, the question is why did Professor Xia Ming acknowledge it instead of refuting what the Major General said? IMO, I don't think a Major General will recklessly say something like that as a joke.

    Chinese Admiral Threatens World War to Protect Iran --
    [FONT='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    [/FONT]So, will the US attack on Iran trigger the third World War? Maybe. But I hope not.

    It is not a secret that there is tension between the US and Iran, one incident was this Drone downed in Iran: 'US great game could spark WWIII' — RT and the recent is this Parsi: Without renewed diplomacy, war with Iran lies around the corner – Global Public Square - Blogs "Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international straight is clearly outside the community of nations. Any disruptions will not be tolerated" - US Navy which has several warships stationed near the Straight of Hormuz.

    But of course one can easily dismiss this as untrue because it was "posted on the Internet because the Internet ... is obviously true in all ways." but would it be believable if it was reported in Balitang Bisdak by Bobby Nalzaro or on TV Patrol or posted on ANS-CBN's website?

    Who is going to risk WW3 for Iran? China?" - Well, wouldn't you protect your friend if they are assaulted with no reason at all? China and Iran have strong ties to each other, they are 'friends' in a sense. Iran is being accused of developing nuclear weapons and the US has been sending drones into Iranian airspace for recon and the Iranian government is not particularly happy with it.

    What is posted here is for everyone's information, I am not implying that it is true, the hell do I care if people don't believe it, that's why there is "if" in my first post. If nothing happens, WW3 doesn't erupt, China doesn't go to war to protect Iran then that's great. But if it happens, then at least people knew it was going to happen.
    Last edited by ghostie2472; 12-29-2011 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #332
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Thank you for declaring that your posts are all "what if" scenarios. On par with "what if aliens invaded Earth". "what if" belongs in science fiction .... not reality.

  3. #333
    C.I.A. ghostie2472's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Yes, everything is not real. Even the news article provided in the link is not real, even the reporters on the videos from CNN that was shown were not real. Heck, individuals that were mentioned were not real and so does Iran, China, US and others were not real.
    Last edited by ghostie2472; 12-29-2011 at 11:17 AM.

  4. #334

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    move to general discussion if not reality

  5. #335
    C.I.A. ghostie2472's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Quote Originally Posted by brian joshua View Post
    move to general discussion if not reality
    What's happening right now isn't real. The growing tension between the US and Iran isn't real. The US carrier that was supposedly 'spotted' just a figment of Commodore Mahmoud Mousavi's imagination.

    US aircraft carrier 'spotted' in Iran wargames zone - Israel News, Ynetnews
    Last edited by ghostie2472; 12-29-2011 at 10:20 PM.

  6. #336

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie2472 View Post
    Now, if this is really true (that will bomb Iran), ready na mo para World War 3?

    U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran
    History of U.S. Intervention in Iran - 1953 Until Present - YouTube

    This goes back to 1953 CIA Operation AJAX to overthrow the Iranian Government. They installed the Shah again and kicked out Mossadeq. It has to do with disputes on BP Oil (back then Angelo-Iranian Saxon Oil). Britain had it's grip on the oil reserves and Iranian people weren't happy. So they went to International Court and lost the case in favor for Iranian People. They wanted US to overthrow on a disguise of Communism Supporting because they worked with Russia on the Oil Issue. Eisenhower eventually agreed after Truman denied as not wanting to start a WW3.

    In 1979 the Iranian People overthrow and placed Khomeni in power. They took the US Embassy Hostage.

    Then from 1980-1988 there was a war called the IRAN-IRAQ War with 500,000 Dead. US was busted for funding both sides of the war for a secret WAR with Noreiga in Grenada through the CIA. Saddam Hussein was also put in power during this time and created the 4th or 5th largest military in the World.

    right after he invaded Kuwait in 1989 and also attack many other issues. Many nations allied (20+ muslim nations) to fight off Saddam Hussein and Israel agreed to stay out of the incident regardless even though they were gas attacked with a SCUD.


    Bin Laden is painted and the US goes into Afganistan (Boarding Iran). next year 2003 in Iraq (Boarding the other side of Iran).

    US now controls both sides of IRAN Boarder and is allied with Saudi.

    Iran tensions heat up slowly over the next 8 years.

    This is all related to OIL. Not really the money but staging for dominance to deter a WW3 or win WW3. That was the whole battle in the COLD WAR..Control the Middle East Oil to fuel the occupations.

    Iraq and Afghanistan were just pawns.

    US also funded and created Bin laden to fight the Russians in the 1970's and 1980's. This stuff is planned out over decades and staged on purpose. Israel was the same thing for after WW2 and moved into the COLD War for the Suez Canal. Much why the US controlled Egypt for so long to have the oil routes.

    Alot of middle eastern countries are being overthrown to Counter US Influence and Control on the strategic oil supply.

  7. #337

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Yes there will be a major war in the Middle East with the Middle East as the pawns. This is a war between US-Europe and the Chinese-Russians actually. But not the conventional type.

  8. #338

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    i think defeating iran will not be true war but tru inside turmoil, just like libya, after syria maybe iran is next to upheavel

  9. #339

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie2472 View Post
    What's happening right now isn't real. The growing tension between the US and Iran isn't real. The US carrier that was supposedly 'spotted' just a figment of Commodore Mahmoud Mousavi's imagination.

    US aircraft carrier 'spotted' in Iran wargames zone - Israel News, Ynetnews
    Maayo na lang ni bro kay nabantayan sa Iran Navy. Not like this ...

    The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | Mail Online

    Mao nay advance! wa gyud kabantay nga naa diay sa ilang tungod.

  10. #340

    Default Re: U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

    WW3 jud? i doubt kung mahitabo ni. but who knows... pareha ra sa what if...

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