@Bashka: I remember a story some of my friends once told, probably more than 5 years ago, uso pa ang IRC ato nga time. There was this gay who fooled a number of chatters abroad... sounded like a girl to them... probably showed them somebodyelse's picture. Anyways to them she was seductive kay nice kuno kaayo voice sa phone and yup just like you they sent him money etc. until somebody found out he wasn't a girl after all but just enough to have had easy money.
Has anybody ever seen your gf? You mentioned about your family members who went for a vacation in Cebu and always the bestfriend picks up your gifts for her. It could either be she's really the bestfriend or she's not the same person in the picture she has sent you in the past.
Go for the new prospect by all means. Daghan na gyung ilad sa internet. Although if you can find somebody uninvolved it would be better. But the most important thing is for you to wake up, yaw pagamit kay daghan kaayong ingon ana sa internet.