^^mo sexy pa jud samot. hahaha. hopefully, ma lessen na ang pollution.
^^mo sexy pa jud samot. hahaha. hopefully, ma lessen na ang pollution.
ok unta pero di ko kabaw mo-bike,ehehehe..trauma sa bike sauna kai ni-tulimbang,ehehe..diretso rko sakyanan,ehehe..
Pwede sab tricycle para di na matumba. Kadtong 1 in front then 2 ligid sa luyo. Maangkasan pa!
Gamay man kaayu ang dan sa cebu.. Kung butangan pa ug bike lana, samot mohuoht.
Sa srp or north reclamation cguro puedi, pero sa colon, jones, furnte, ug kasagaran sa dan kay huot na. Musamot guro trffic kay dili man tanan tao intawn mag bike gamitpn para sa day to day activities.
But if mag widening ang road for this,cguro okay.... Mobudget lng gud 10-20 billion pra road widening for bike lanes sa major high ways of Cebu.
Btiaw , nice proposal but may not be practical. Spedning billions for bike lanes is not practical. Most dont have bikes or dont like using bikes. Init ug uwan ng climate sa pinas so not practical for daily use.
Most places don't even have side walks ... so how is this supposed to happen?
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