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This goes out to all the guys who wanted to understand, US girls better! Those who wants to know what our attitude means and what we feel when you do even the most little gesture of love... READ ON, hommies!
1. We don’t like it when you compare us to your ex, unless you’re comparing how much better we are.
2. We love to argue over who loves who more, because it’s adorable andit puts that sparkle in our eyes.
3. When we fight, we don’t want to go to bed mad.We want to work it all out.
4. We can’t sleep knowing your upset with us.
5. Your voice is our favorite song.
6. We like waking up to texts in the morning, even if you want to be sleeping, we enjoy hearing that ringer going off and reading someonesweet from you.
7. When we think you’re the one…we mean you have us, regardless of what happened, and what may happened.
8. When we say you’re the one, you will always share a part of us forever. Don’t rip our hearts to shreds.
9. We get restless sometimes. Show us you care, by standing by our side, by fighting for us.
10. We will fight for you if we can’t be without you. Dont make us fight for you all the time though..We get worn out and think you’re just slipping away anyways. See that we need you, see that we love you like no other.
11. Forever isn’t long enough. We want to be with you, in life and death.
12. When we say we miss you, no other girl could miss you more than we do at that moment in time.
13. We will listen to music that shows how we really feel. Listen to the lyrics, think of the deeper meaning, to see who we really are.
14. We like having “our” song[s]. It gives us comfort listening to it.
15. We like when you tell us what you’re thinking about us.
16. We wanna know that you think about us too.
17. If there’s hair in our face..gently brush it awayand kiss us afterwards.
18. Hold us when we cry, calm us down. Let us bury our face in your chest.
19. When you hold us, hold us like you’re holding the world.
20. Holding hands is cute.
21. We want you to curl up with us on the couch and watch scary movies, so we can pretend, [or really be] to scared, so you’ll hold us tighter.
22. We make you watch sappy movies with us, cause we want you todistract us, by showering us with kisses, and showing that movie love,doesn’tcompare to what we have.
23. We love when you smell good, not too muchcologne. Just the right amount.
24. We like getting pretty for you. Even if you say we dont need makeup and all, sometimes it helps us with our confidence and helps us be more comfortable. With time we will allow you to see us without it.
25. Even if we tell you not to spend money on us, we love it when you get us little gifts as a spur of the moment thing.
26. We don’t want expensive things. You could buy us a twenty five cent ring and tell us you got it cause you were thinkin’ of us and we’ll be happy.
27. If a girl writes a poem for you, she really cares for you. If she writes more than one, you’ve got her wrapped around your finger.
28. We want someone who loves us for who we are. Someone who inspires us to be a better person, to reach our goals. To love even deeper.
29. Home-made gifts are the best. A handmade valentines day card, with a cheesy saying that you came up with, is more heartfelt then an expensive card.