i am planning to send an email with our wedding photo(s) to my husband's girlfriends this coming new year. should i or not? i need your opinions
my husband and i have been married for a few years now but it was only a few months ago when i found out that he's been having "online girfriends". i really don't know how many are there, basta daghan siila. now he calls them through payphone para dili mo appear sa among phone bill ang mga numbers nga iya gipangtawagan and also chats with them everyday without fail. i confronted him several times about this and everytime he denies it. friends lang daw, kung friends lang, why won't he introduce them to me? ngano mang lock man sa kuarto kung mag chat sila?
so for next year, i'm thinking of sending our wedding photo and some photos of us together with a caption that reads:
"thank you for keeping my husband company during our trying times. everythings fine with us now and we're very happy. i hope you find the right man for you. goodluck and we wish you the best." ok ra kaha ni? unsa man ikasulti ninyo?
i need opinions from both men and women. thanks.