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  1. #1401

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by zener_101 View Post
    if china lang sab ato kalaban dli jud kaigo bsan 5 ka F-fighters patabang na jud ta ana sa U.S heheheh
    na ambot lang kung makatabang pa ba ang US nga nag recession na man
    gane sila.. sige pa silag debate sa unsa ila dapat buhaton na makaahon sila
    sa ila utang karon..

    and if you read the news in their CNN, BBC and other western news organization ang US plano pa nila mag budget cut sa ila defence program..

  2. #1402

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by chris_bern View Post
    @ salbahis

    1.) bay nagabuhat pa ba karun ang pilipinas ug sarili nato warplanes?
    2.) walay nagabuhat na independent pinoys ug ila warplanes na imo nahibaw-an today?
    well PADC used to do the R&D they still exists thou, not sure if they still do R&D, maybe kung naa sila visionary nga head, like GA Dir. MGen Jonthan C. Martir PN-Marine (Ret) then probably naa pa siguro...

    Philippine Aerospace Development Corp.

  3. #1403

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world


    a ok.. ikaw bay gusto ka magbuhat ug warplane despite the
    disadvantages that you already knew? hehe

  4. #1404

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    tabang japon U.S makuhaan ila ally dri sa asia... bsan pa naglisod ang cla karon pero if gubat na hisgutan dli na cla palupig...

  5. #1405

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by zener_101 View Post
    tabang japon U.S makuhaan ila ally dri sa asia... bsan pa naglisod ang cla karon pero if gubat na hisgutan dli na cla palupig...

    i doubt the US will help. They wont go to war with CHINA because of The Philippines.

    I remember when Georgia, a favourite country of Bush to join NATO(trained and supplied by US) was being slaughtered by Russia. And the US was virtually helpless despite Georgia asking Bush for help. lolz

    Well comparing Georgia and The Philippines. Georgia is closer to US than PH.

    Uncle Sam wont come.
    Last edited by flanker; 11-23-2011 at 03:30 PM.

  6. #1406

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by chris_bern View Post

    a ok.. ikaw bay gusto ka magbuhat ug warplane despite the
    disadvantages that you already knew? hehe
    yes, when we are technologically/politically matured enough to go into that path.... apparently karon we are not... its purely business... our political atmosphere is not even mature enough... technologically... we are not yet ready... yes there are many companies that has the capabilites to do it... but remember they are private sector and owned by foreign investor not public, since our political system are not yet mature this private sector will have second thoughts in investing on defense industry here... philippines is basicly unfriendly to foreign investors... lets accept the fact that it is this foreign investor that has the capability to do it....

    Defense is Business, if this country is bad for busines then the defense would surely weaken... we are left in importing hardware from somewhere else instead of manufacturing it in-house...

  7. #1407

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by flanker View Post

    i doubt the US will help. They wont go to war with CHINA because of The Philippines.

    I remember when Georgia, a favourite country of Bush to join NATO(trained and supplied by US) was being slaughtered by Russia. And the US was virtually helpless despite Georgia asking Bush for help. lolz

    Well comparing Georgia and The Philippines. Georgia is closer to US than PH.

    Uncle Sam wont come.
    US dont have Mutual Defense Treaty with Georgia that they will be obliged to respond, in our case US is obliged under the Mutual Defense Treaty, what US is afraid of china is not militarily but economically, since China has the biggest export for US, remember US already choose Taiwan despite the One-China Policy...

    RP and US friendship goes along way longer than any other nation (except europe)


    Between the


    and the


    The Parties of this Treaty

    Reaffirming their faith in the purpose and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the Pacific area.

    Recalling with mutual pride the historic relationship which brought their two peoples together in a common bond of sympathy and mutual ideals to fight side-by-side against imperialist aggression during the last war.

    Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack, so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific area.

    Desiring further to strengthen their present efforts for collective defense for the preservation of peace and security pending the development of a more comprehensive system of regional security in the Pacific area.

    Agreeing that nothing in this present instrument shall be considered or interpreted as in any way or sense altering or diminishing any existing agreements or understandings between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America.

    Have agreed as follows:

    ARTICLE I. The parties undertake as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

    ARTICLE II. In order more effectively to achieve the objective of this Treaty, the Parties separately and jointly by self-help and mutual aid will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

    ARTICLE III. The Parties, through their Foreign Ministers or their deputies, will consult together from time to time regarding the implementation of this Treaty and whenever in the opinion of either of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of either of the Parties is threatened by external armed attack in the Pacific.

    ARTICLE IV. Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common dangers in accordance with its constitutional processes.

    Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

    ARTICLE V. For purposes of ARTICLE IV, an armed attack on either of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the metropolitan territory of either of the Parties, or on the island territories under its jurisdiction in the Pacific Ocean, its armed forces, public vessels or aircraft in the Pacific.

    ARTICLE VI. This Treaty does not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations of the parties under the Charter of the United Nations or the responsibility of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security.

    ARTICLE VII. This Treaty shall be ratified by the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them at Manila.

    ARTICLE VIII. This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Party may terminate it one year after notice has been given to the other party.

    In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty.

    Done in duplicate at Washington this thirtieth day of August, 1951.

    For the Republic of the Philippines:

    For the United States of America:
    Last edited by salbahis; 11-23-2011 at 03:45 PM.

  8. #1408

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    bro depende manguro na sa situation if ang usa ka country i conquer sa usa ka country nga wla reason naa jud na police mo tabang...

  9. #1409

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    agree. if mwla na corruption sa pinas ayha pa cguro mkapalit ug mga latest aircraft...

  10. #1410

    Default Re: Philippine Airforce - One of the weakest in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by zener_101 View Post
    bro depende manguro na sa situation if ang usa ka country i conquer sa usa ka country nga wla reason naa jud na police mo tabang...
    ive posted the Mutual Defense treaty above read it so you'll understand why US have to respond...

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