Originally Posted by
It is that your lack of understanding to understand what I said, not analyzing it, and you’re the most ignorant about the truth if I am ignorant to false issues and other issues that are far from the discussion that confuse the matter, the U.S. in the history are very successful and the because of the U.S. filipino people are free, the democracy and their aids, your anti american by what you post and many false accusations, your ignorant to of the Bible facts and the history, your just focusing on supporting evil nations and beliefs on lies and deception of your heart or other people that are anti american yet they do nothing much good for other, can’t match to what good american did for others.
FBI and CIA are just like NBI here in the Philippines, they are anti terrorism and evil or illegal acts, they use intelligence and support other nations to topple down evil government.
Remember that Crusader and the Arab Israeli war, the truth shows that muslims not all muslims but the bad muslims that kill for their religion are showing their true colors and it is depend on what they believe… so be not ignorant of that.
ahem... its hard to find you with any credibility, even an ounce of basic grammar in English you have repeatedly failed to exhibit...
US did not free the Filipinos without any profiting from it...US did not finance the Mujahideens( Osama Bin Laden anyone?) to fight against the Soviets without profiting from it...US did not help ouster Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, without profiting from it. US did not finance IRAQ's invasion of IRAN without profiting from it... The aids you are talking about, they have fueled much of the crisis the world is experiencing right now.... US is good? US assassinates its own citizens to what it considers "terrorists". How different are they to the terrorist Al Qaeda? US practices torture of SUSPECTED terrorists without any charges filed against them, be it their own citizens or foreign nationals.... US will wage war on countries that won't give in to them....that is the plain truth.... You have been deceived by the media that the US is good... Yes they are, in video games! but in reality, they are viewed as terrorists by other nations.... Do you know why there are a lot of Saudi terrorists against the US? Its because US has been occupying their HOLY LAND.... Then using your own line of primitive thinking, these Saudi Terrorists then have the Divine right to attack US....