brad, pilay last nga price aning outdoor type 3 nga box with PC kung kuha ug 3?
brad, pilay last nga price aning outdoor type 3 nga box with PC kung kuha ug 3?
Di ko ka send ug PM nimo sir. Text me lang at this numbers: 0932.464.9180 / 0932.610.6793
Thank you
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Thanks to Sir Aldwin again for ordering another 7 sets of Indoor Type Box
Thanks to salvadorjr of for ordering 1 pc. Indoor Type Box
Thank you sir and istorya![]()
Thanks pud boss, nindot ang imo box .... More Power
Happy Weekend to all![]()
Pay Per View of Pacquiao Vs. Marquez 3. Sa mga suki nako na naka kuha ug box, pwede mo maka tan-aw sa amo for FREE!!!!! hehehehe
up this Sunday!!!!
Good Luck Pacman![]()
Good Morning istoryans......
Thanks again for Ma'am Aloha and Sir Federick of Purok Parpagayo, Minaog, Dipolog City for ordering another set of outdoor box with dual coinslot.
Thanks and God Bless![]()
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