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  1. #1

    Default Problems in Vet Clinic

    sa tinuod daghan pud ang clinic karon, lain lain ang style sa client,lain lain ang approach.naay koy daghan experience sa mga vet uban pa akong friends na di maayo pud like Cebu Veterinary Doctors - dr.ody, lisod istoryahun kay supladu ug mangasaba.swu kuno graduate d man top vet school, hagbong pa jud sa vet board exam sa first take.nakasulay mi sa 5R VET, ang problima, ang tag iya (dli vet) ang manambal sa confinement.nakatry pud friend ko sa kang dr. gorre, problima until 5pm lang kuno sya,unsaon na labi na sa emergency?last is dr.bingols, di man licensed vet nya (velasco), kay palpak ang surgery ug maglibog ko kung petshop ba ni kay gabaligya man sya ivomec injectable sa ordinary customer, tudloan pa how to inject?!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    asa paman ta makalikay ug ingun ani na mga lugar?? kas man cguro nis kwarta oie

  3. #3

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    hi! share lang pud ko.. all my dogs go to cebu veterinary doctors in ramos. i had my complete trust in them until they failed to tell us nga pregnant d.i akong shih tzu. we didn't believe them man so we went to fil-chi. there gi ultra sound nila akong dog and found nga buntis jud.. the puppies are very healthy, there are 2 of them. but until now ang mommy kay ma sakiton kaayo. i think its because wa siya na tagaan ug proper care when she was pregnant. kay we were told lagi nga di jud siya buntis. late na mi nagpa 2nd opinion.. mau na. but until now we still go lang gyapon to cebu vet doctors kay we had man sad a labrador retriever nga hapit namatay but because of them na save jud iyang life. maybe na sipyat lang jud sila with my shih tzu. ang worst thing kay si dr. ody pa jud ang owner sa papa sa puppies! and yeah, speaking of him, mejo suplado jud bitaw siya. favorite nako didto si doc anabelle and si doc nancy.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    i had a pup i bought from bingol's before.. they said complete na ang vaccinations (including rabies) when i took the pup at 2 months.. i wondered how come but they mentioned okay lang..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    hahahaha lisoda ani nga kalaki uy

  6. #6

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    important info for all pet owners:

    ways to find out you are getting the real DR and your pet will get PROPER care and medical attention:

    1. Look for your doctor's credentials. they should be hanging on a wall somewhere. DO NOT BE SHY TO SCRUTINIZE. Look for the PRC certificate as well as the diploma.

    Look for the BAI Certification as well. The Bureau of Animal Industry conducts yearly inspections on clinics to make sure they comply with requirements for surgical and non-surgical clinics / hospitals.

    Even better if you can find a clinic that is a member of the Philippine Animal Hospital Association as they regularly conduct post-graduate seminars for their members in order to encourage continuing professional growth.

    2. Make sure the credentials match the person treating your pet.

    Some illegal practices just hang the diploma of a veterinarian friend and allows a non-vet or a non-licensed veterinary graduate to handle the patients.

    3. Check your doctor's procedure.

    Does he know how to conduct a physical exam? Does he ask for a comprehensive history of the case? Or is he the type to look and shoot? Does he give you info or offer explanations regarding your pet's condition? Or is he evasive and cannot answer your questions adequately.

    Many unscrupulous persons abound, preying on the helpless pet owner, especially those that conduct house-to-house treatments or those without a proper clinic or establishment. Be wary always. PLEASE DO NOT PATRONIZE THE SERVICES OF NON-VETS OR NON-LICENSED VETERINARY GRADUATES OR UNDERGRADUATES. They are the ones who cause the profession to be marginalized and treated as an "easy way to make money."

    We, licensed veterinarians have to comply with a lot of requirements and permits in order to be able to offer our legitimate services to the public. We have to undergo post graduate seminars and lectures to ensure that our knowledge keeps growing and we are not left behind current trends in veterinary medicine.

    It is of course, up to you as the pet owner to find a vet who can understand and provide for your pet's needs. Doctors are not created equal in ability. As Champoy has mentioned, lain lain ug style. And of course, please do not equate "suplado" with being a poor practitioner God did not gift everyone with a sweet personality

    Doctors are not perfect and we definitely are not GOD. We do misdiagnose at times as we have to work with limited information sometimes (you know, its hard to treat a sick dog when the owner just says "Ambot lang, wa ko kahibaw, basta na-ana lang na siya.") or sometimes the owner refuses lab exams and we only have very vague symptoms and history to work with.

    What is not acceptable is a doctor who is negligent! A sick dog is a patient and should be treated as such, not as a way to make a quick buck.

    We have a group: Companion Animal Practitioners Of Metro Cebu. If you have any questions regarding the legitimacy of the veterinarian attending to your pet, do not hesitate to contact me: Dr. Ging Berdon 232 8002 (Animal Kingdom Veterinary Clinic).

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    Good day Bro Champoy! I symphatized you on your bad experiences with the Vet Docs. I do can attest Dr. Ody has an attitude problem. I still go to CVD ramos in spite of Dr. Ody's "suplado" type coz it's very much accessible in our place & at the same time, they are open until 9 pm. What I normally do whenever I go to CVD, I just look for Doc Annable, who is very much accomodating, approachable & friendly.

    Doc Ging, I would love to try your clinic. can you please pm me the exact location of your clinic Doc & contact number please. Thanx!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    for me i have 2 vets who i trust most..1st is the CITY VET..and Dr.IVY alvarez..kani sila 2 kay mao pirmi nako pangutan-on anything about dogs gikan sa sakit preventions, meds and etc..very friendly sad au ni sila kay mutagad gyud og maayo if u need help..

  9. #9

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    so, asa mana iya clinic dapit?onsa man jud ang nindot and cheapest na vet? kana sa BTC dapit kilid sa julies ba nice na?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Problems in Vet Clinic

    so far wala pa ko ka try anang vet sa banilad..yup near sa julies..anywys, are u referring to me? about cheap Vets? try the City ra..and as sa kato ako family friend naa sa mandaue..kanag padung jade court?

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