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  1. #31

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    what i mean.. ang speed sa USB 3.0 wont work if imong mga gamit na device isnt usb 3.0 capable hehe.. so sayang lng cya if ana..

    yep you might save some bucks there.. hehe

    And sa brand sa video card boss... mas dugay maguba if sapphire cguro. same2 rman price sa Power color. and better ang Sapphire kaysa power color mg himo ug cards.. so go for the one with better quality jd for longer gaming life hehe

  2. #32

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    i just wonder if u already got a case,kay it seems wa ko kitag case naapil sa estimates...

  3. #33

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    @mudstaticz naa to case ang quotation sir.. I just let the salesperson pick the case, as I'm not very particular about it. (Frontier Vision VS04A-BK/BL @ Php 1,895)

    @akomao Ah gotcha about the USB 3 thing.. I'll try asking the salesperson if I can shave off a few bucks if I go with non USB 3 mobo.


  4. #34
    C.I.A. eXpLoDe's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    mao man cguro ni ang case nga apil.
    Casing: Frontier Vision VS04A-BK/BL : 1,895

    kato ning daghan ug case fan nga mabutangan...

  5. #35

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    basin makahuwat pa ka TS kay next year pa man mo gawas ang Diablo 3. Mobarato na ang parts and naa mo gawas na new ones like Ivy Bridge and new video cards.

  6. #36

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    @eXpLoDe why the sad face for the case? bati?

    kapoy na huwat hehe. there's always something better next year, might as well get one and enjoy now.

  7. #37
    Elite Member kenox's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    Quote Originally Posted by ares623 View Post
    Hi guys. Went to Gaisano Interpace yesterday (pinaka duol sa amo + good reviews so I think I'll be buying there) and asked for a quotation.

     Casing: Frontier Vision VS04A-BK/BL       : 1,895
     CPU   : S-1155 Intel i5-2500 3.3Ghz 6MB   : 9,015
     HD    : SATA 1 TB Samsung HD103SJ         : 3,585
     MB    : S-1155 Asus P8H67-M LE DDR3 USB3  : 5,250
     Memory: Kingston 4GB DDR3 KHX1600C9AD3    : 1,895
     PSU   : SS 500W ST50F-ESL4                : 2,795
     VGA   : PWRCLR HD6850 1GB GDDR5 HDMI      : 8,150
    I'd really like to keep it under 30K, since I still have to buy a monitor and also a UPS. The video card seems to the only one I have the luxury of choosing cheaper ones.
    I looked at their online price list (the online prices isn't the same with the quotation?), and these cards seem pretty good at half the price.

    Radeon 6670 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,995
    GeForce 250 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 3,850
    GeForce 440 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,695
    GeForce 440 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 2,695

    What's the difference between DDR5 and 3? 128bit and 256 bit? Again, I just want to be able to play Diablo 3 at full/high settings (Starcraft II is a good benchmark). I can just upgrade the video card in the future.

    Which of the above should I go with? I really like the GeForce 440, since it's the cheapest in the list, but it isn't the video card ranking list in the pinned thread, but the 6670 is. Or maybe there's a better one in their list?


    The wider the memory bus, the larger the GB/s throughput.

    If you have the money just go with the highest bit you can get generally it pays off in the end ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by eXpLoDe View Post
    ddr5 is twice or 2x faster than ddr3. so imagine how slow is ddr2. hehehe

  8. #38
    Elite Member kenox's Avatar
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    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

  9. #39

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    Quote Originally Posted by ares623 View Post
    Hi guys. Went to Gaisano Interpace yesterday (pinaka duol sa amo + good reviews so I think I'll be buying there) and asked for a quotation.

    Casing: Frontier Vision VS04A-BK/BL       : 1,895
    CPU   : S-1155 Intel i5-2500 3.3Ghz 6MB   : 9,015
    HD    : SATA 1 TB Samsung HD103SJ         : 3,585
    MB    : S-1155 Asus P8H67-M LE DDR3 USB3  : 5,250
    Memory: Kingston 4GB DDR3 KHX1600C9AD3    : 1,895
    PSU   : SS 500W ST50F-ESL4                : 2,795
    VGA   : PWRCLR HD6850 1GB GDDR5 HDMI      : 8,150
    I'd really like to keep it under 30K, since I still have to buy a monitor and also a UPS. The video card seems to the only one I have the luxury of choosing cheaper ones.
    I looked at their online price list (the online prices isn't the same with the quotation?), and these cards seem pretty good at half the price.

    Radeon 6670 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,995
    GeForce 250 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 3,850
    GeForce 440 DDR5 128bit 1GB - 3,695
    GeForce 440 DDR3 128bit 1GB - 2,695

    What's the difference between DDR5 and 3? 128bit and 256 bit? Again, I just want to be able to play Diablo 3 at full/high settings (Starcraft II is a good benchmark). I can just upgrade the video card in the future.

    Which of the above should I go with? I really like the GeForce 440, since it's the cheapest in the list, but it isn't the video card ranking list in the pinned thread, but the 6670 is. Or maybe there's a better one in their list?

    Kanus-a pa ni nga quote bro?
    Barato na man ron ang Mems. I suggest you get 2x2gb instead. Around Php695x2=Php1380..
    Dont cheap out on the VC. You'd be compromising on the main purpose of the rig= FPS. If ever magdownsize ka on the VC, get at least a 6790.. That's a minimum!!
    The HD is too expensive. You can get a Hitachi 1tb nowadays for only 2.3k
    I think the casing is expensive for something which does not offer extra features..

  10. #40

    Default Re: How much would this setup cost?

    Gahapon LNG na nga quote bro. I'll be buying this November 3, so if you have any money shaving suggestions, let me have them.

    I'll go with 2x 2gb ram and probably ask for a different casing. Thanks!

    I hope mka hangyo ko tarong... Hehe

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