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  1. #721
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: GRP-MILF Peace Talks

    Quote Originally Posted by Faeries View Post

    Sir I think the MILF has broken a dozen cease fire agreements.

    If I may ask you what might you suggest, granted you want a peace talk but clearly it is not supposed to end there.
    ceasefire agreements are broken all the time by both sides. sometimes there is a media blackout against certain skirmishes, or it is simply ignored for more sensational news (showbiz for example )

    it just so happens that this time around, there were just too many dead soldiers to hide it under the rug. and the AFP needed to vilify and demonize somebody to cover up for its blotched operations. remember, we were given the news first of the dead soldiers without giving context on what happened and why there was an encounter/operation in the area at the first place.

    should the peace process continue? by all means yes. this is the only way to go unless we want to make a war-torn wasteland out of that part of Mindanao.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faeries View Post
    Do you want us concede to their demand of "independence"?

    In my humble opinion whatever the GRP-MILF agree on this must still undergo a plebiscite. Unlike the Mo-A during the GMA Ad. Which is actually unconstitutional kase binigay lang yung territory without undergoing ang plebiscite.

    Or the MILF scared that many will not agree just like what happened in CAR.
    unfortunately, the answer is not an easy one. disregarding the consequences of an all-out war, bombing the entire region is even easier. if one says that it "takes balls" to wage a war, one should try working for peace to see how tough it is.

    we have to understand that the MILF's call for secession is a conclusion that was made as a result of the failure of the GRP through ARMM to address the Bangsamoro's grievances against lands and resources lost along the countless generations.

    for them to abandon their call for an independent Bangsamoro nation, the GRP should show sincerity in addressing their concerns. this is one tough job as there are conflicting interests everywhere. two concepts that can be used here are "concession" and "compromise" from both sides.

    whatever the GRP offers on the table must be acceptable to all parties concerned, this includes civilian populations directly affected by the deal. again compromises should be made on all sides.
    Last edited by gareb; 10-29-2011 at 12:07 AM.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  2. #722
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: GRP-MILF Peace Talks

    so much for talk:

    P5M MILF aid not used to kill soldiers, says military
    by Jay Ruiz, ABS-CBN News

    MANILA, Philippines - The P5-million donation to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is part of a confidence-building measure to show the rebel group the government's sincerity, Armed Forces peace process chief Col. Dickson Hermoso said Friday.

    He dismissed the possibility that the money was used by the MILF to buy guns and ammunition that killed the 19 soldiers in Basilan.

    Echoing the explanation of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Hermoso said the money was a prior commitment by the previous administration of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to jumpstart the Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute.

    Hermoso believes that soldiers should understand that the only solution to problems in Mindanao is a negotiated peace settlement.

    Some soldiers were disturbed by the P5-million aid package and said that there is a need for commanders to explain to their men what the money was used for.
    Last edited by gareb; 10-29-2011 at 04:41 AM.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  3. #723

    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks in Basilan, Sibugay and Lanao

    ang luoy ani permi ang pamilya intawn sa mga sundalo....

  4. #724

    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks in Basilan, Sibugay and Lanao

    ^^sakto jd. sila ra ang gihimong pa-on. unya dili baya jd well-compensated. hahaiz..

  5. #725

    Default Re: MERGED: GRP-MILF Peace Talks

    ^^MANILA, Philippines - The P5-million donation to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is part of a confidence-building measure to show the rebel group the government's sincerity, Armed Forces peace process chief Col. Dickson Hermoso said Friday.

    ang gov ky sincere sa mga MILF, pero sila, sincere pd ba?

  6. #726

    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks in Basilan, Sibugay and Lanao

    Quote Originally Posted by KlaytoN View Post
    I wonder where da heck are the marines these past weeks?

    Are they on the back seat?

    Or basin tua sa Spratly's
    Mao, basin tua na spratly's,

    mahadlok man gyud ng mga karaho basta Marines na kaatbang... Naa gud pirmi ang trigger finger sa Marines sa gatilyo sa pusil....

  7. #727
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: GRP-MILF Peace Talks

    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    ang gov ky sincere sa mga MILF, pero sila, sincere pd ba?
    i believe they are. if one remembers, the ceasefire worked for some years until this recent incident.

    then again, you cannot buy sincerity for 5 million pesos. that's just chicken feed compared to what the GRP spends for a war effort, and even military operations everywhere.

    the real testament for sincerity is an agreeable roadmap for peace and reform in the areas concerned; something that is acceptable, not just on the GRP side, but also the MILF and most especially the local residents in these areas.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  8. #728
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks and the MILF-GRP Peace Process

    merging both threads. they seem to be headed towards the same direction anyway.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  9. #729

    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks and the MILF-GRP Peace Process

    para nako..ha dili jud dapat mo hatag ug kwarta ang goberno sa mga rebelde..pagka ngan nga rebelde sila against na sila sa governo.maski para confidence building pana or unsa.kanusa paman d i maka learn ug lesson ang atong governo?

    during the time of erap nakita nato nga ang project nga para irragation canal gihomo nila nga konreto trenches ug bunker. tungod kay si ramos cge lang ug peace talk...

    Tanawa ang sign ug peace agreement sa government pro naka pugong ba sila sa pag create ni Hashim salamat sa MILF wala? now karon tanawon nato..ang MILF wala nay control sa ilang ubang nga field Umbra Kato nga karon ng tukod na ug bagon group..unsaon mana? ang next government makig peace talk napud sa group ni umbra kato? and the next napud? walay undang ang peace talk diha kay tanan gusto mg leader.

    like sa gisulti sa usa ka officer didto sabasilan ang PINTAKKASI aktibo didto ug mga relatives lang ni sila ma side man sa MILF Civilian o Abu tinabangay ni sila kung kinahanglan na..

    dapat humanon na unta ni noynoy..kung mo go all out war siya i know daghan ang mo support niya. gasto kaayo ang gubat pro mas dako ug makita ang government kung peaceful na ang mindanao.

    to attain peace we have to go all out war against those rebel group.
    Last edited by hulagway; 10-29-2011 at 10:36 AM.

  10. #730

    Default Re: MERGED: Recent MILF Attacks and the MILF-GRP Peace Process

    history repeat itself. kaluoy sa mga sundalo mura lang ug gisakripisyo.

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