Akira Toriyama
Creator of Dragon Ball
Lives in Toyota, Aichi, Japan
Knows Japanese, American English
From Kiyosu-shi, Aichi, Japan
Born on April 5, 1955
Share lang ko para sa mga DBZ Fans.
Believe it or not. I just chatted with him. We talked about his works and his new manga.
[Akira Toriyama]
Thanks for the add.**
welcome sir!
[Akira Toriyama]
So you a big fan of Dragon Ball?**
Yes. I've been following Dragon Ball since I was 11yrs old
[Akira Toriyama]
I'm glad you were a big fan. Do you like my art?**
I do.
[Akira Toriyama]
Would you like to know how I make my art?**
[Akira Toriyama]
I sketch a picture onpaper than I scan it than ink it on the computer than color it on the computer.**
what program you used?
[Akira Toriyama]
Photoshop but you can use any program.**
Ah ok. Your work looks very good on the TV screen,
[Akira Toriyama]
Thank you.**
Sir? Can I call you Sensei?
[Akira Toriyama]
I prefer just call me Akira only because these new maga artit like to be called sensai and I prefer to be caled by my real name.**
OK, Mr. Akira.
[Akira Toriyama]
Now a days there are much better artist out there than me because now a days people are getting more realistic with their art.
Yes! But I like DragonBall than other mangas out there!
[Akira Toriyama]
Ah well that's good i'm glad you do!**
I like your work, as well as Mr Tite Kubo and Masashi Kishimoto's work.
[Akira Toriyama]
I think Kubo could improve his story telling though because it'snot that great**
Yeah, I agree!
Are you coming up for a new DBZ manga?
[Akira Toriyama]
Yes plus a bran new manga.**
Brand new manga**
What's your new manga? Is it out?
[Akira Toriyama]
No I just strated making it.**
Wow. That's a great news.
Can't wait for it
[Akira Toriyama]
It's neat because the first arc is about school life while the 2nd arc deals with more full action fantasy**
Do you already have a new title for it?
[Akira Toriyama]
No title yet but it's about a boy who finally leaves his village where he learns that he wase't ever from the village but from a desert left from his parnts. He begins his ultimate quest t find out who he is while he starts his first quest which is school but later on in the second arc an evil genie is released and destroys te school so it gets more serious.**
Wow! Really, can't wait for it!
Will it be out this year?
[Akira Toriyama]
That's nice.
[Akira Toriyama]
Yeah I really don't know howit will end or how long it will be much like Dragon Ball I never knew how long it would go on I nevr pln my stories out.**
DragonBall is epic!
[Akira Toriyama]
Of course as will this manga will be.**
Wanna hear a cool manga that just came out?
What manga is it?
[Akira Toriyama]
It's about a high school boy who beats upthugs criminls he is targeted by agents of hell where they kill him he is reborn as an agent of hell buthe refuses to be an agent he targets them to learn that satan is behind everything and has minons as heb eatsminons he gets more skills as he tries to restore peace from satan as a demonic angel**
Oh! What manga?
Who's work is this manga?
[Akira Toriyama]
It's called 666 Demonic Angel it was made by an amature manga artist who illustrated a few pornoraphic hentai manga before**
Oh! ok.
I'll check it out!
Chat pa mi karon. Char2x..Lol! hahaha
Add him guys!
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