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of course they would be demanding for independence, because of the futility of ARMM as an administrative unit since the funds allocated to it are either too small, or allocated in ineffective projects, or simply goes to the bank accounts of your warlord politicians.
the Christians' interests are, of course beside the point.
yes, but i bet they will be filled out sooner with more bodies of soldiers dying from an all-out war.
balik2x ta ani Ginaingon nas mga Secessionist nga dili ARMM but indepence, if kana ang demand sa MILF then any peacetalk is a futility ... Kanang ARMM administrative unit sa Government as a political unit is still not acceptable to them .... ang true aspiration sa MILF is a separate state ... period
and then unsa man imohang solution ?
Its better to die for a cause than to die Nothing .....
Naa ko e add ....
Iqbal added the issue concerning the demand for a substate “cannot be solved without a Constitutional amendment.”
The MILF said that its leadership sees the government’s peace draft proposal as basically a rehashed version of the ARMM.
The ARMM had been regarded by past government officials and the MILF as a failed experiment in self-governance.