Communists like to oversimplify reality to make it easy to spread their propaganda. That's why they try to equate capitalists with landlords even though the two have almost nothing in common.
Business owners today provide value to their companies, unlike landlords in the past. Without Steve Jobs, Apple would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. That alone destroys your theory that workers are the ones creating, and the owners are exploiting them. If what you said were true, then Apple would have done better when Steve Jobs was kicked out. In reality, he provided more value to the company than all its workers combined.
There may still be a few businesses around where the workers are doing all the work and the management are just sitting around doing nothing but these are few and far between. When most companies are founded, the owners sometimes have to work 24 hours straight, trying to figure out ways to perfect the quality, find new markets for their product, improve efficiency and provide vision/direction to their companies. All of these things are value-added services provided to the business by the owner so that the business can continue, and after all of that the owner also has to risk his finances by providing funds to establish the business. The workers help implement the vision and the system created by management. Without such a system, there would be no product in the first place, or the product made would be substandard quality or something nobody would want to buy. Why do you think communist countries fail to export most of their goods?
When was the last time you bought something made in North Korea or Cuba? How many products do you buy from capitalist countries like China? Your touchpad, where was it made or invented, a communist country or a capitalist one?
Even hardline communist countries like North Korea have been forced to implement market economy and private ownership to alleviate mass starvation. Communal ownership sounds good in theory, but there's a reason we abandoned it a long time ago. Communal ownership was common during prehistoric times, but so was mass starvation. In Zimbabwe, they kicked out the white farmer businessmen and gave the land to the black workers. As a result, crop yields collapsed and they had food shortages and out of control inflation. That means those white farmers/owners, far from exploiting the workers, were the people responsible for most of the value of their farms...
And this is one of the biggest mistake of communist, imo...
"we call this communist society because man has one goal. its common goal is to survive as a one community with no internal conflict or class."
Most people don't want to just survive, they want to live a good life. They want to achieve more than their fellows and that's what drives society forward. If the only goal of communism is to survive, then that's a very low goal and one that they aren't even able to meet (see North Korea and mass starvation). Citizens in most capitalist societies enjoy a lifestyle way beyond this survival mindset and that's the kicker. There's no equality in countries like Singapore, Japan or U.S. but the average person enjoys a lifestyle far beyond what people in communist countries dream of. If our only goal is to survive then that means we're no better than animals in a zoo.