Bro. i think most AV's wont detect this kind of attack..its not actually a virus i think correct me if im wrong...
Hmm maybe he is infected with a virus but not that reged thing.
Follow this step ok:
Firstly download a freeware named Rogue Remover "google it"
Rogue - is a fake antivirus/antispyware software that makes pop-up ballons on your tray. (anyone experience this?) its a fraud, part of internet business.
Second download smitfraud fix. after downloading restart your pc to safemode, run smitfraudfix.bat and choose scan only and a log file will pop up. close all windows. Install rogue remover and run the program to scan your pc. after scanning it will detect all fraud files and delete it.
Third restart your pc to normal, if your regedit wont work again just use this script to enable it back:
copy and paste it in notepad and save as regtools.vbs and run it.
'Enable/Disable Registry Editing tools
'© Tsunade a.k.a. ttray33y - rev 12/06/99
Option Explicit
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, t, mustboot, errnum, vers
Dim enab, disab, jobfunc, itemtype
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\"
p = p & "DisableRegistryTools"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
mustboot = "Log off and back on, or restart your pc to" & vbCR & "effect the changes"
enab = "ENABLED"
disab = "DISABLED"
jobfunc = "Registry Editing Tools are now "
'This section tries to read the registry key value. If not present an
'error is generated. Normal error return should be 0 if value is
t = "Confirmation"
On Error Resume Next
n = WSHShell.RegRead (p)
On Error Goto 0
errnum = Err.Number
if errnum <> 0 then
'Create the registry key value for DisableRegistryTools with value 0
WSHShell.RegWrite p, 0, itemtype
End If
'If the key is present, or was created, it is toggled
'Confirmations can be disabled by commenting out
'the two MyBox lines below
If n = 0 Then
n = 1
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & disab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
ElseIf n = 1 then
n = 0
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & enab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
End If
restart and if all is back to normal then thanks god. if not post a log.