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  1. #191

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    road revolution advocates should encourage people to use bikes by:
    - offering low costs bikes.
    - giving away FREE, hundreds of bikes during their campaign (kada domingo ba na sila?)
    - lobby in the local councils, nga bikers should be given a space/lane on the small road, if dili puede widen the road to accommodate bikers and runners and pedestrians( wala na man gud sidewalk).
    - open a store that offer bike parts/repair at very low cost. say, 50% lesser than typical list prices.
    - give incentive to bike commuters...say, a brand new bike every year.

    closing roads will not encourage potential supporters.

  2. #192
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    So not ok. I mean as pujs and taxis are the main form of transportation in cebu mag unsa naman lang tawn tong mga mu trabaho? Mayta ug naay lrt pareha sa manila.

    They say they try to help the city, the world. What they are becoming right now is a nuisance to the masses. Unya c rama pud nga walay buot tugtan ra pud ning mga hinampak nga mga gunggong.

  3. #193

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by rikki View Post
    So not ok. I mean as pujs and taxis are the main form of transportation in cebu mag unsa naman lang tawn tong mga mu trabaho? Mayta ug naay lrt pareha sa manila.

    They say they try to help the city, the world. What they are becoming right now is a nuisance to the masses. Unya c rama pud nga walay buot tugtan ra pud ning mga hinampak nga mga gunggong.
    The Road-crap Revolution people do not care about us people at all. They are just pretending just to impose their interests on our island!

  4. #194

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Kung nahan jud sila pa implement ani og tarong... 1 meter from a 2 lane road would be enough for a cyclist. Dili man sad siguro mag lumba sa 1meter na space...hehehe..

  5. #195

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by cobraKing View Post
    walay cars pero daghan ang ang vendors..saun nlng ni..nyahahaha!
    mao gyud unsaon nlang

  6. #196

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    An editorial

    Editorial: Walk the streets

    Although their intent to spread an ecologically friendly and sustainable mindset and lifestyle is laudable, the Road Revolution proponents neglected an axiom respected by many development workers: start where the people are.

    By disrupting the Saturday flow of livelihood and usual transactions in the affected downtown areas without adequate information dissemination, the Road Revolutionaries betray an ignorance, bordering on arrogance, of local needs and conditions, which have proven to be the undoing of many blueprint-obsessed technocrats: our prescription is best for the people.

    It is suggested that in selecting the site for Road Revolution 3, the proponents should visit and actually walk the streets before planning to close these.

    They should find out: What is the communal rhythm? What day(s) involve less vehicular traffic and therefore, holding a Road Revolution experiment will cause the least inconvenience to the majority?

    What transactions will be disrupted when roads are closed? Are alternatives open to those whose activities will be disrupted by road closure?

    Is the place conducive for biking, walking and strolling? Even after banning vehicles, are these streets free of thieves, open manholes and polluting industries, thus, safe for people?

    Editorial: Walk the streets | Sun.Star

    Do the Road-crap Revolution organizers really care about Cebu and its people?

    Wenceslao: People’s support, not condemnation

    FIRST things first. Road Revolution organizers should do away with the attitude that borders on the condescending. I have this feeling they are not listening to the views of those who were inconvenienced by their use of road closures as a means to advance their goal of “recasting” of the city’s road system. They seem to believe they inhabit a higher plane than “ordinary mortals,” as far as the struggle to protect the environment is concerned.

    I would say that if they insist on being elitist, then Road Rev will fail. Why? It’s simply because the Road Rev movement is essentially a lobby, an exerting of pressure on government to agree to a paradigm shift, specifically on mapping out an effective road system. And lobbies succeed only if these are propped up by a big chunk of the populace.

    Road Rev’s goals, as articulated by lawyer Antonio Oposa, are summed up in the slogan, “Those who have less in wheels should have more in road.” The push is to “recast” the setup this way: sidewalks--30 percent; collective transport--30 percent; bicycle lanes--30 percent; green space for vegetables--10 percent. The only sector that can realize it is government, which will only act if the lobby has become a deluge that can overwhelm it.

    To get the support, Road Rev leaders need to “alter mindsets, attitudes and practices,” Oposa’s fancy words--something that can’t be done overnight. It entails a good dose of “consciousness-raising,” with information drives and education campaigns as important instruments to achieve it.

    Wenceslao: People

  7. #197

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    environmentalists kuno pero kusog ghpon kaayo mo hit-hit sigarilyo! fail!!

  8. #198

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by DailyCore View Post
    The local media should know about RR's deception! They should see this!
    i already tried bro. but i failed. sent it already last week to nalzaro and lastimosa. dunno what happened or how they reacted.

    please help me spread the word brother.

  9. #199

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by kamatuoran View Post
    naay usa ka organizer sa RR na naay sekreto, dili lang ko sulti sa name. kung kamu ra magkuyog o magstorya lain iyaha plan, kung siya pastoryahon dako benefit niya iyaha grupo 1st kuyog rally or protesta daun pa interview para musikat kay naa siya plan magpapili sa election, 2nd daghan kwarta ang grupo (i don't know sa unsa na paagi siya makakwarta), 3rd ilaha mga bisita na foreigner (women) magamit pa kuno niya (s*x) and puede ilis2 kay dili man kuno magdugay diri pinas igo raman visit. based ni tanan sa iyaha hambug pagkasulti namu, amigo mi pero murag grabe ang interest aning tawhana. dako ni siya ug rank sa grupo kada welga interview jud ni siya.
    spill it out bro, with proof. (pina-wikileaks ba)

  10. #200

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    bro, thanks for confirming my own observation.

    guys, this is true. you can even see it in their facebook page. they are too defensive and indeed so arrogant. i even had a pic of their sarcasm posted here as another proof.

    mind you, i'd respect the communist labor groups in the Philippines than them.

    kudos to the editorial writer for breaching the ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM fallacy. HANDS DOWN TO YOU!

    Quote Originally Posted by DailyCore View Post

    Do the Road-crap Revolution organizers really care about Cebu and its people?

    Wenceslao: People’s support, not condemnation

    FIRST things first. Road Revolution organizers should do away with the attitude that borders on the condescending. I have this feeling they are not listening to the views of those who were inconvenienced by their use of road closures as a means to advance their goal of “recasting” of the city’s road system. They seem to believe they inhabit a higher plane than “ordinary mortals,” as far as the struggle to protect the environment is concerned.

    I would say that if they insist on being elitist, then Road Rev will fail. Why? It’s simply because the Road Rev movement is essentially a lobby, an exerting of pressure on government to agree to a paradigm shift, specifically on mapping out an effective road system. And lobbies succeed only if these are propped up by a big chunk of the populace.

    Road Rev’s goals, as articulated by lawyer Antonio Oposa, are summed up in the slogan, “Those who have less in wheels should have more in road.” The push is to “recast” the setup this way: sidewalks--30 percent; collective transport--30 percent; bicycle lanes--30 percent; green space for vegetables--10 percent. The only sector that can realize it is government, which will only act if the lobby has become a deluge that can overwhelm it.

    To get the support, Road Rev leaders need to “alter mindsets, attitudes and practices,” Oposa’s fancy words--something that can’t be done overnight. It entails a good dose of “consciousness-raising,” with information drives and education campaigns as important instruments to achieve it.

    Wenceslao: People

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