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  1. #861

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    answer : Napoleon Dynamite

    quote: why? WHy? WHy? (cries!) Nothing but death can keep me from her.

    clue : you can't deny the love between two sisters...

  2. #862

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    i love weddings! drinks all around!

    captain nag sulti ani!

  3. #863

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Quote Originally Posted by Mace_N_Rarity
    answer : Napoleon Dynamite

    quote: why? WHy? WHy? (cries!) Nothing but death can keep me from her.

    clue : you can't deny the love between two sisters...
    answeran sa ta ni beh before magstart ug lain...

  4. #864

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Quote Originally Posted by Mace_N_Rarity
    answer : Napoleon Dynamite

    quote: why? WHy? WHy? (cries!) Nothing but death can keep me from her.

    clue : you can't deny the love between two sisters...
    practical magic??

  5. #865

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Quote Originally Posted by o3cara
    practical magic?? afraid dili practical magic ang answer.

    another clue:isa sa cast ani kay sikat na talk show host...

  6. #866

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Answer : Color Purple

    question: [praying aloud] Tommorrow we goes into battle, so Lordy, let me fight with the rifle in one hand, and the Good Book in the other. So that if I may die at the muzzle of the rifle... die on water, or on land, I may know that you blessed Jesus almighty are with me... and I have no fear.

  7. #867

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Quote Originally Posted by animelover
    How about this:


    Clueemi Moore
    Correction: It's "Ditto" same as how you fill up forms with the same answer. And from your clue, I guess it's from the romatic movie "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoppie Goldberg.

    Now guess..... "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I've always asked this ...."

    Clue: gothic sceneries.... and the character quoted had pale skin and everlasting smile... soon to be played by Heath Ledger

  8. #868

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines


  9. #869

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines

    Nope. It's the Joker, dude.

    My turn -- who said, "If she can't stand it, I can. Play it!" (usually misquoted as 'Play it again, Sam')

    Clue -- actor used to love to wear a hat

  10. #870

    Default Re: GUESSING GAME: famous movie lines


    It's not the men in my life that counts - it's the life in my men.

    it was from actress M. West

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