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  1. #101

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Let them pass the necessary laws to deal with this first and foremost, then let's all support it. No more of the inconvenience caused by the closing of roads which is it fact counter productive.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by krissy86 View Post
    the idea was nice, but the public wasnt really happy about the latest RR, bitaw why not adto sa SRP mag bike2? need jud diay sa downtown nga congested man kaayo na didto? what are they trying to prove?
    Scrap RR! RR's more bad than good.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by krissy86 View Post
    the idea was nice, but the public wasnt really happy about the latest RR, bitaw why not adto sa SRP mag bike2? need jud diay sa downtown nga congested man kaayo na didto? what are they trying to prove?
    how i wish pwede magbike2x sa SRP. but sad to say nga dili jud pwede nadto...

  4. #104

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    kadlawn na lng ni nila buhaton para d kau huot

  5. #105
    Elite Member em_b's Avatar
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    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    ngano kinahanglan man jud nato icompare ato country sa uban country? mao na dili malamboon ato country kay ipugos jud natog sundog sa uban nasud. i admire the passion sa mga advocate, ako sad, in my own little way, naga "go green" me sa tanan na pwede mahimong eco friendly. but tana lang, realistic ta sa ato plano. tana lang, dili kaayo idealistic ang approach. assess our present situation, then start from there. kana sustainable, kana mahimo long term, dili isa ka adlaw magsira lang ug dalan. unsa may mabuhat ana? unsa man effect? to remind the people to go back to basic? well apparently, sa ila gihimo, mas daghan ang naglagot.

  6. #106

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    murag milyon2x na ang nagbagulbol tsk tsk

  7. #107
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    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Mas nice ug ang sidewalk maagian, dle same sa colon nga napuno sa namaligya ug dvd,celphone, charger, baid nipper, stamp etc,.. nice ug sa sidewalk mangagi ang bike just like other countries...

  8. #108
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    if we can't even provide proper HIGHWAYS and 6-lane OR 8-lane roads for the present needs of the people with vehicles, how much more for these decorative....pardon my French....CRAP!

    Let's be realistic. Our carbon emissions can hardly be compared to those of the developed countries because sila jud na ang kinhanalan mag reduce. If WE as a poor nation want to comply with the Millenium goals, let the environmentalists do it. They are being funded by foreign organizations all over the world that's why they can AFFORD to make a lot of noise and push for these ideals.

    bottom-line, we are the third-world nation, we need to balance the budget, we need to find ways and means to repay our trillions and trillions of peso debt, and we need to improve our political system. That's only skimming the tip of the iceberg yet already a gargantuan task. How can you environmentalists say there is still room for nature concerns.
    Last edited by james_chaw; 09-27-2011 at 06:32 PM.

  9. #109
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by mbneiz View Post
    Mas nice ug ang sidewalk maagian, dle same sa colon nga napuno sa namaligya ug dvd,celphone, charger, baid nipper, stamp etc,.. nice ug sa sidewalk mangagi ang bike just like other countries...
    mao na silang angay dakpon. kung mag.cge2x balik, prisohon dayun.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by mbneiz View Post
    Mas nice ug ang sidewalk maagian, dle same sa colon nga napuno sa namaligya ug dvd,celphone, charger, baid nipper, stamp etc,.. nice ug sa sidewalk mangagi ang bike just like other countries...
    side walk mangagi ang bike? dili ko uyon ani. side walk ky para ra jud unta na sa mga walking public. dapat naa bike lane. but murag lisud2x jud na diri cebu...

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