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  1. #251

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    here's some early character designs of Yzma from Emperor's New can read the full article here







    Source: Andreas Deja

  2. #252

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramini View Post
    PS: OH YEAH!! ANIMEE!!! that's 2d! now tell me that 2d is a deadend job..i haven't heard of any news of japanese 2d animation artists going hungry nowadays.. now tell me again that 2d is a dead end job!!
    Just to tell you that I worked in a studio in japan for more than 3 years and I had collegues who worked at Ghibili. Do you know the first thing I asked them? How was it working at Ghibili?
    The answer, No time no money, in japanese ofcourse. If you work in that industry you're better off working as a cashier in 7/11. They pay more by the hour than they do the animators. Have you heard of mangakisa? The animators and comic artist live in those places. Sorry but 2D is a deadend job and if that insults you its not directed at you in anyway. Just that I wouldn't want to advise upcoming artist to focus on an old medium that is a niche nowadays.

    This is the stuff that animators and generalist should learn.
    Looney Tunes: VES Submission «

    3D that is 2D. So who needs to draw with a pencil?

  3. #253

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    Quote Originally Posted by jnom View Post
    Just to tell you that I worked in a studio in japan for more than 3 years and I had collegues who worked at Ghibili. Do you know the first thing I asked them? How was it working at Ghibili?
    The answer, No time no money, in japanese ofcourse. If you work in that industry you're better off working as a cashier in 7/11. They pay more by the hour than they do the animators. Have you heard of mangakisa? The animators and comic artist live in those places. Sorry but 2D is a deadend job and if that insults you its not directed at you in anyway. Just that I wouldn't want to advise upcoming artist to focus on an old medium that is a niche nowadays.

    This is the stuff that animators and generalist should learn.
    Looney Tunes: VES Submission «

    3D that is 2D. So who needs to draw with a pencil?
    Quote Originally Posted by jnom View Post
    No time no money, in japanese ofcourse. If you work in that industry you're better off working as a cashier in 7/11. They pay more by the hour than they do the animators.
    If so then why is studio Ghibli still producing anime shows?..their last was Ponyo..right?..if the pay is that bad?..then how come the anime industry in Japan is still alive?..or perhaps the anime industry as a whole is dead and what we're seeing are stuff done a decade ago or reruns? sure being a cashier at 7/11 is much better and WAY EASIER than drawing those goddamned key drawings..why put up with all that shit if BEING A CASHIER is much lucrative than being an artist? I heard from a friend that Roadrunner studios at manila pay more than 50 grand for their 2d animators and motion graphics artists..I don't think it's that bad i mean what the hell! punching numbers on a cashier's machine is much more easier than drawing..they'd have swallowed their pride already if the money is that lucrative...i think you're exaggerating.

    South Korea is the main animation outsource in the planet..most US cartoon tv series are finished there. I don't why you say it's a deadend job, there're lots of animation studios in the west..even China and India is on the rise and Abu Dhabi have their own Cartoon Network supported animation school. 3d can't move without 2d concept designs..whether they're drawn on paper or on digital paper..a 3d artist is useless if he doesn't have any 2d concept designs to begin with especially modelling. I mean it's a must for 3d modellers to know good drawings skills. Even the link that you gave here is based on 2d drawings. I don't know about you but Gnomon Studios have solid 3d artists who're capable of both 2d and 3d and even their 2d tutorials are as many and fine tuned as their 3d counterparts. The studio knows the vital importance of 2d in creating 3d and it shouldn't be overlooked as just a process in realizing a 3d project..if not for the hand drawn storyboards, concept designs, matte paintings etc. a 3d project will not take off from the ground.

    Quote Originally Posted by jnom View Post
    3D that is 2D. So who needs to draw with a pencil?
    that is a very proud statement dude..hehe!

    Quote Originally Posted by jnom View Post
    Just that I wouldn't want to advise upcoming artist to focus on an old medium that is a niche nowadays.
    Well i don't advise that to budding artists.."Ang taong hindi marunong lumingon sa kanyang pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa kanyang paroroonan" as the saying goes. The advise would be is to focus on the foundation of animation if you hope to become a good animator. 3d animation is just the same as 2d strip all those fancy eyecandy visuals and even the most awesome design or style can't save a badly animated film be it 2d or 3d.

    If we don't owe anything to people like Chuck Jones i think we better stop adapting old cartoons..i mean they're dated right?..2d principles. animation, and design are old..they should've redesigned Wile. E. Coyote and the Roadrunner altogether. As you can see on the link you gave us what we saw was just a 3d version of an old 2d animation. Copied, from design up to the animation..

    I don't know why people would still pay good money to Nicolas Marlet to do this ON PAPER..Why didn't he model it directly to 3d?..or why was he hired in the first place?? to do this ancient stuff..if 3d artists are sooo cool and awesome to do stuff directly on 3d?.


    Why does Scott Robertson need to create this tutorial if drawing isn't important in 3d. Why draw it on paper when you can model it straight to 3ds max or maya?..

    We all have places in this artistic world..whether 2d or 3d as i've said there's no such thing as a deadend job..only yourself..a deadend person..Respect should be observed to each other..we're only a part of a larger whole whether designing or moving dust particles in a 3d movie or just designing a miniscule prop in a 2d animated feature.

    oh by the way nice link..they should've copied Maurice Noble's layouts as well it would've been mind blowing.
    Last edited by Ramini; 09-28-2011 at 09:37 AM.

  4. #254

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    WOW... 2D versus 3D....

    I still prefer the BASIC....

  5. #255

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    Sorry been busy and just got back to istorya again and decided to check this thread as well. I think both of you have are looking at the industry from your own perspective. I don't think 2d animation will ever fade nor do I think 3d animation as a medium is overrated. What about of stop motion animation or even good old puppetry? what's your take on these art forms?

  6. #256

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?


    if the term overrated is too much..then saturation might be the exact word..i don't have anything against 3d(animated features) it just doesn't impress me doesn't compel me to draw but that's just me..but once i get to see the stuff behind it the concept sketches, the initial designs..then that's what compels me to draw the ingredients inspire me more rather than the final product.

    We all see everything in our own perspective. Pixar initiated the idea and the possibility of creating a 3d animated feature..that's THEIR perspective, idea, focus and approach to in expressing animation and it just so happens that everyone got excited to this idea and followed suit at what the people at Pixar envisioned art and that's why 3d animated features proliferated. ILM, Lucasarts and other special effects studios also initiated their OWN perspective and approaches on art through special effects (i think there's more than just special effects). Jim Henson, also did the same with their own perspective and forte in art.

    Art will always be subjective, art will always start as a subjective concept a selfish idea that starts from one creative mind then when that one mind starts to relate his/her ideas to other like minded individuals then it spreads almost like religion.

    Jnom and i were debating exclusively in the arena of 3d and 2d animated features assuming he agrees. Stop motion animation is another story we can talk about that too here. We were just debating about the relevancy of 2d vs. 3d.

    Well to my opinion puppetry has transcended from its humble beginnings. Stop motion animation is another form of puppetry i would even entertain the idea that motion capture is another form of puppetry wouldn't you agree?
    Last edited by Ramini; 09-30-2011 at 09:04 PM.

  7. #257

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    wow ka nice pod ani oi!

  8. #258

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    I don't think there should be any debate as to the relevancy of 2d and 3d. Both co-exist in the world of vfx and animation. Moneywise both pay very well.. it just depends on the artist where they want to take their career. I have to admit though that the pool of talented 3d artist are exponentially increasing every year. It may saturate the job market but I don't see it as bad thing. It just pushes people to strive harder and excel in their craft. I am hoping that someday Cebu might produce more cg artist in the future and put their mark in film and animation industry.. regardless if its 2d or 3d.

    Quote Originally Posted by jnom View Post
    This is the stuff that animators and generalist should learn.
    Looney Tunes: VES Submission «
    That looney tunes ves submission link has been circulating in our company as well. Really awesome rigs behind those shorts. Also i'm just curious,are you a member of VES?

  9. #259

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    Quote Originally Posted by gemcadz View Post
    I don't think there should be any debate as to the relevancy of 2d and 3d. Both co-exist in the world of vfx and animation.
    That's what im trying to say to Jnom..2d in it's entirety as an artfrom is not a deadend job and it doesn't end in paper's more than that.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemcadz View Post
    Moneywise both pay very well.. it just depends on the artist where they want to take their career.
    that's also what im trying to tell him..2d still pays very may not be as lucrative as it was 10-15 years ago..but the craft is still RELEVANT in all artistic aspects even in i don't why he called it a deadend job. Even you being an artist at Lucasarts don't seem to agree to that idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemcadz View Post
    I am hoping that someday Cebu might produce more cg artist in the future and put their mark in film and animation industry.. regardless if its 2d or 3d.
    Cebu will always be sluggish in producing top cg artists or 2d artists..for as long as local universities and institution still belittle the craft we will be forever sluggish..most creative people learned 3d on their own and not from a school or university.

    And speaking of stop motion animation yesterday (Oct. 12) was Art Clokey's bday!! the creator of Gumby..he would've been 90 years old today.

    a short post is featured at Cartoonbrew

  10. #260

    Default Re: ANIMATION: Kinsay kahibaw ug interesado?

    payter ani oi...

  11.    Advertisement

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