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  1. #1

    Default Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip

    Ovulation PRE-MATE TEST STRIP for DOGS

    - Low Cost and effective
    - Provide immediate results in approximately one minute
    - No need to take the bitch to the vet & expose her to communicable diseases (PARVO, Distemper, etc.)
    - Tells you when the bitch is ready to ovulate and ready to be mated

    Preselling, stocks will arrive next week!
    Price : P 200.00 only.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip

    How does it work?

    The strip change color from Pink to Purple/Burgundy during the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge which give you an estimated time when your bitch is going to ovulate.


    1. Wipe the vulva area clean and wipe away any access blood. If the girl is bleeding heavily, you may need to open the vulva slightly and blot up the blood just inside the vulva. See illustration below.

    2. Slightly open the vulva and insert the strip sideways up with the pink pad in the vulva about 2 to 3 cm’s inside.

    3. Hold the strip in place for a count of 10 to 15 seconds. Can massage around the outside of the vulva area to be sure the vaginal fluid goes onto the pad.

    4. Remove the strip and ensure the pad is damp with vaginal fluid.

    5. Wait 30 seconds and then read the results and compare with the results pictures below if you are unsure.

    Read the results between 30 to 60 seconds after removal. Don't wait longer than a minute or so to read the results because the pads will change to the dark color in a few minutes of being exposed to normal air.

    Here are some photographs showing a Golden Retriever being tested

    Strip with pink pad before insertion

    Strip inserted 1 cm to 2 cm in vulva for 10 seconds

    **be careful with insertion as corners can be sharp

    Gently press sides of vulva to ensure vaginal fluid is on pad

    A positive result for LH

    Below are 3 photos explaining positive and negative results.

    Photo 1 on the left is a no change negative result, on the right of the same photo is a positive result, where the pad has changed color.

    Photo 2 is a close up of the result, you can see how the pad has changed color

    Photos 3 shows how sometimes color or spots just appear purple/burgundy around the edges of the pad, this indicates a positive result, results can vary from one small spot of color to the whole pad color change.

    Too Much Blood?

    Too much blood may make it difficult to see the color change. Using a soft cloth dab inside the vulva to absorb some of the excess blood, then insert the strip. The strip above was inserted without dabbing inside the vulva. The strip below was after removing the excess blood and shows that the LH is still present.


    Note: Some bitches rise quickly and ovulate 24 hours after the start of the LH surge and some take longer and ovulate 48 to 72 hours after the surge of the LH spike. The ripening of the eggs is 12 to 96 hours after ovulation. This is when the eggs become sperm friendly. The ovulation and egg process may only last as long as 24 to 36 hours in some bitches. Normally it will last 48 to 96 hours.

    ** The figures for ovulation and follicle rupture are from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Book of Dogs.

    Please bear in mind that each dog is an individual and that the cycle for your dog may vary from this chart.

    A note on the two mating patterns shown in the chart. If you have an established history of the heat cycles of your dog and a fair degree of confidence as to when the expected ovulation day will be, then mating on the day of ovulation and each of the two or three consecutive days afterward is the optimum mating pattern and should ensure the best litter numbers. However, if you are in doubt, then mating every other day will "cover the bases".

    ** In a natural mating with a good tie, the male sperm normally lives up to 5 days. Chilled semen usually lives 24 to 48 hours and frozen semen normally lives up to 12 hours.

    It is for this reason that a natural mating will produce the best chance of pregnancy in a dog.

    The term normal is used with the meaning that it is the most frequent occurring in the canine world as a whole. Again, your dog may be normal within itself, but not normal in comparison to other dogs. It is best when you do not have a reproduction history on a dog to start testing early in the cycle. The Pre-Mate Test Strip are reacting to the LH surge -- the days marked in green. Each day is counted as a 24 hours period. If your girl first shows a change in color on the pad on the morning of day 12, then 24 hours would be the following morning. 48 hours would be the morning two days from the first change, etc.

    This strip tell you when the LH surge begins and then you can expect her to ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours, although if her season is running long, it may be 72 hours before she ovulates. Remember the stud dog's sperm normally will live up to 5 days, so mating sooner rather than later will ensure that a female with a short ovulation / fertilization cycle will produce a litter of puppies.

    A further note, some "natural ovulation detector dogs" will not mate a girl until the day she ovulates. LH surges mean nothing to them. They react to a specific chemical change in the urine when the actual ovulation takes place. If you happen to have one of these natural ovulation detecting dogs, do not expect them to mate when the pad first turns colour, but rather about 24 to 48 hours later. This type of dog is great for being able to mate on the day of ovulation and the following two / three consecutive days and will normally produce the best litters possible based on the quality of the sperm and eggs. A stud dog that may have been dependable in the past, may be less dependable if another male is brought on the property as it may result in a "I'll get her first" attitude rather than a reaction to the actual chemical changes in the bitch.

    Note: Some bitches can ovulate as early as day 5 and as late as day 21 or even later if the season lasts for 28 days or so.


    WARNING! DON'T TOUCH THE PINK PART OF THE STRIP, this may affect your results. Keep unused pads in the re-sealable bag and store out of sunlight, preferably in a dark place.

    The only times the pads give missed or false results are when...
    - They are not used correctly
    - Your bitch has an illness or infection
    - Your bitch is on medication
    - Your bitch has not ovulated
    - Your bitch has a false or split season

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip

    edited... double post
    Last edited by Ironwood_Cebu; 09-24-2011 at 05:41 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip


    For your inquiries,text or pm 0932-1578500

    WildCard Kennel of Cebu 0932-1578500
    follow us on Twitter Twitter

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip


    For your inquiries,text or pm 0932-1578500

    WildCard Kennel of Cebu 0932-1578500
    follow us on Twitter Twitter

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip


    For your inquiries,text or pm 0932-1578500

    WildCard Kennel of Cebu 0932-1578500
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip

    accurate kaayo ni sir? pilay sud nga strips sir? gamit kaayo ni da kay nahan ko patakalan akong iro para makasuway nya mag lisud kog check kung nag biga na ba.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip

    Quote Originally Posted by jangska View Post
    accurate kaayo ni sir? pilay sud nga strips sir? gamit kaayo ni da kay nahan ko patakalan akong iro para makasuway nya mag lisud kog check kung nag biga na ba.
    this is very accurate as to determining the LH surge, 24-48hrs within which the ripening of egg cells occur in dogs.

    the P200.00 selling price is for 1 testing strip.

    when we bring our dogs to the vets, we are charged approx P250.00 for the vaginal smear, where afterwards, we are also given "estimated" time within which we can have our dams mated. if not yet due, some vets will ask us to come back again for another testing (another 250.00 again of course). also, by bringing our dogs to the vet clinics, we are also exposing them to such different hazards such as distemper, tick/flea, parvo, etc etc. this test kit will allow us to test our dams right in the confines of our kennels, away from the risks.

    Last edited by Ironwood_Cebu; 09-25-2011 at 10:20 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip


    For your inquiries,text or pm 0932-1578500

    WildCard Kennel of Cebu 0932-1578500
    follow us on Twitter Twitter

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dog Ovulation Fertility Testing Strip


    For your inquiries,text or pm 0932-1578500

    WildCard Kennel of Cebu 0932-1578500
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