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  1. #601

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by petite fleur View Post
    I have Imitation overwhelm kog mubasa..ang ending dle naku ma human kay mag reflect ko hehehe Nice read!

    For me I believe it was St. Therese's autobio (Story of a Soul) that drew me back to God. She Love God more then anything else! and also our Blessed Mother.
    She is a good example to young people, she died young (24) and her doctrine gave lightto millions of souls and even to the simplest soul. No wonder she became a Doctor of the Church!

    Jésus, mon Bien-Aimé ! ~St. Therese

    Jesus, my Beloved!

    Priez Pour Nous Ste. Therese!
    naa sad koy Story of a Soul.. yes She became a Doctor of the church and even a patron of the missionaries in level with St. Francis Xavier..Naa kay Story of a Family? story na sa family ni St. Therese..ngita lagi ko then permi out of stock ang St. Paul..nindot sad na siya..then other book nga nindot sad kay ST. John Marie Vainney(CURE DE ARS), then kani pud Fourfold Sovereignty of God by Cardinal Manning.

    these days, it so sad, the Prophesy natinuod na jud, The Crisis of Faith and the Great apostasy.. nakabantay mo nga ang mga Catholic act like Protestants? maulaw pa gani mangurus in front of people..In Nomine Patris, + It Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen....and some wala na mo practice to access the sacraments..dili nato kalimtan nga ang mga sacramento maoy antidote sa tentasyon(EUCHARIST) ug before going be sure that not guilty with mortal sin..but almost churches in cebu do not have confession before mass..

    HOw the saints become Saints? because they access the most precious gift given to us before He decend to Heaven and that were the sacraments..We must learn from the saints, specially their deeds..ang mga tentasyun karun is more poisonous than their time..if we become saints today we have greater glory than them..

  2. #602

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Naa koy mga PDF files bro....wala pako kita anang story of a family but naa to ge suwat sa yang sister Celine about niya..PM lang me so that I can give you.dghaaan na kaau akong PDF aslo akong mga book wala pa naku nahuman jd. Akong Interior Castle samut... lingaw pd si St. Teresa maka dala og the same time maka relate pd ka niya... try sa fully booked naa pd silay ngadto ubay2x

  3. #603

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    St. Finbar
    (Feast Day Sept 25 )

    He was the son of an artisan and a lady of the Irish royal court. Born in Connaught, Ireland, and baptized Lochan, he was educated at Kilmacahil, Kilkenny, where the monks named him Fionnbharr (white head) because of his light hair; he is also known as Bairre and Barr. He went on pilgrimage to Rome with some of the monks, visiting St. David in Wales on the way back. Supposedly, on another visit to Rome the Pope wanted to consecrate him a bishop but was deterred by a vision, notifying the pope that God had reserved that honor to Himself, and Finbar was consecrated from heaven and then returned to Ireland. At any rate, he may have preached in Scotland, definitely did in southern Ireland, lived as a hermit on a small island at Lough Eiroe, and then, on the river Lee, founded a monastery that developed into the city of Cork, of which he was the first bishop. His monastery became famous in southern Ireland and attracted numerous disciples. Many extravagant miracles are attributed to him, and supposedly, the sun did not set for two weeks after he died at Cloyne about the year 633.

  4. #604

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

  5. #605
    Elite Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by koralstratz View Post
    St. Brigid, shining light of virtue and sanctity.... Pray for us.

  6. #606

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by koralstratz View Post
    Bro moonglow....wla pa diay madakpi si petite...ON the LOOSE pa

    Idlas kaayo ning bata-a dah...mao sigurong naglisod ug dakop ang mga monghe ani niya...bisag mi surrender na sa presinto wa gihapon makitan sa mg madre...Idlas gyud
    idlas mulang ...ako na na gi set up sa monastery bro, pero AT LARGE pud lagi.. learning from the saints gyud na siya bro..

    ako nya na sya hiktan didto sa monastery bah..

  7. #607

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Sts. Cosmas & Damian
    Patron Saint of pharmacists
    (Feast Day Sept. 26 )

    Sts. Cosmas and Damian were brothers, born in Arabia, who had become eminent for their skill in the science of medicine. Being Christians, they were filled with the spirit of charity and never took money for their services. At Egaea in Cilicia, where they lived, they enjoyed the highest esteem of the people. When the persecution under Diocletian broke out, their very prominence rendered them marked objects of persecution. Being apprehended by order of Lysias, governor of Cilicia, they underwent various torments about the year 283.

  8. #608
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    During the persecution under Diocletian, Cosmas and Damian were arrested by order of the Prefect of Cilicia who ordered them under torture to recant. However, they stayed true to their faith, enduring being hung on a cross, stoned and shot by arrows and finally suffered execution by beheading.

    Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, pray for us.

  9. #609

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    St. Vincent de Paul
    Patron Saint of charitable societies
    (Feast Day Sept 27 )

    St. Vincent was born of poor parents in the village of Pouy in Gascony, France, about 1580. He enjoyed his first schooling under the Franciscan Fathers at Acqs. Such had been his progress in four years that a gentleman chose him as subpreceptor to his children, and he was thus enabled to continue his studies without being a burden to his parents. In 1596, he went to the University of Toulouse for theological studies, and there he was ordained priest in 1600.

    In 1605, on a voyage by sea from Marseilles to Narbonne, he fell into the hands of African pirates and was carried as a slave to Tunis. His captivity lasted about two years, until Divine Providence enabled him to effect his escape. After a brief visit to Rome he returned to France, where he became preceptor in the family of Emmanuel de Gondy, Count of Goigny, and General of the galleys of France. In 1617, he began to preach missions, and in 1625, he lay the foundations of a congregation which afterward became the Congregation of the Mission or Lazarists, so named on account of the Prioryof St. Lazarus, which the Fathers began to occupy in 1633.

    It would be impossible to enumerate all the works of this servant of God. Charity was his predominant virtue. It extended to all classes of persons, from forsaken childhood to old age. The Sisters of Charity also owe the foundation of their congregation to St. Vincent. In the midst of the most distracting occupations his soul was always intimately united with God. Though honored by the great ones of the world, he remained deeply rooted in humility. The Apostle of Charity, the immortal Vincent de Paul, breathed his last in Paris at the age of eighty.

  10. #610

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    "You will accomplish more by kind words and a courteous manner than by anger or sharp rebuke, which should never be used except in necessity."

    (St. Angela Merici)

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