Ahak bayaaaa
Hahahaha ayy talking about... katong extern mongha sa carmelites (Cebu)lately wala nmn pud siya nigawas, pirme ta me tupad ato,,,next time ako na jd kupton pag ayu yang white cloak, tan awn natog makalakaw ba sa siya hehehe. Bcoz I am so stupid before of not talking...
MIss her too, na assign man siya sa Psalm...
I'm on the LOOSE! but not at Large. hehhe
Day 2
O Heavenly Father, Who to assure our advancement in the right path dost never cease to multiply the supernatural means of help which we need, and which Thou has divinely poured out upon Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, we beg of Thee, through this Saint so dear to Thy Heart, all the graces of light and of fortitude necessary or helpful to fulfill Thine adorable will.
Thy grace ever went before Saint Theresa and Thou didst uphold her at each moment, for Thou didst give to her both to will and to do, and without Thee none can even utter the name of Jesus whereby we may be saved.
Father, shed abroad in our minds and hearts those graces won by the merits of our Savior and which Saint Theresa asks for us.
Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus upon whom so many divine graces were showered, we pray you to intercede with our Heavenly Father, so that through t he merits of our Savior and you merits, He may vouchsafe to give to our souls all the graces needful for the perfect fulfillment of our duty. Obtain for us the favors we crave and implore through your powerful intercession. Amen.