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  1. #591

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Ahak bayaaaa

    Hahahaha ayy talking about... katong extern mongha sa carmelites (Cebu)lately wala nmn pud siya nigawas, pirme ta me tupad ato,,,next time ako na jd kupton pag ayu yang white cloak, tan awn natog makalakaw ba sa siya hehehe. Bcoz I am so stupid before of not talking...
    MIss her too, na assign man siya sa Psalm...

    I'm on the LOOSE! but not at Large. hehhe


    Day 2

    O Heavenly Father, Who to assure our advancement in the right path dost never cease to multiply the supernatural means of help which we need, and which Thou has divinely poured out upon Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, we beg of Thee, through this Saint so dear to Thy Heart, all the graces of light and of fortitude necessary or helpful to fulfill Thine adorable will.

    Thy grace ever went before Saint Theresa and Thou didst uphold her at each moment, for Thou didst give to her both to will and to do, and without Thee none can even utter the name of Jesus whereby we may be saved.

    Father, shed abroad in our minds and hearts those graces won by the merits of our Savior and which Saint Theresa asks for us.

    Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus upon whom so many divine graces were showered, we pray you to intercede with our Heavenly Father, so that through t he merits of our Savior and you merits, He may vouchsafe to give to our souls all the graces needful for the perfect fulfillment of our duty. Obtain for us the favors we crave and implore through your powerful intercession. Amen.

  2. #592
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    “It is to your advantage to commit yourself to the sufferings that Jesus will send to you. Jesus cannot tolerate seeing you afflicted and he will come to you and comfort you, blessing you with many graces for your soul”. --Padre Pio

  3. #593

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by ashira View Post
    “It is to your advantage to commit yourself to the sufferings that Jesus will send to you. Jesus cannot tolerate seeing you afflicted and he will come to you and comfort you, blessing you with many graces for your soul”. --Padre Pio
    Keep on posting Ashira. Thanks!!
    God bless

  4. #594

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    nindot kaau ang life ni padre pio.

  5. #595

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by ashira View Post
    “It is to your advantage to commit yourself to the sufferings that Jesus will send to you. Jesus cannot tolerate seeing you afflicted and he will come to you and comfort you, blessing you with many graces for your soul”. --Padre Pio
    super like this! St Padre Pio is one of my most favorite saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by mudskipper77 View Post
    nindot kaau ang life ni padre pio.
    Indeed bro, daghan gyud ta ug makat-onan sa iyang life. truly inspiring gyud!

    keep posting guys, ubay-ubay na gyud ta ninyo diri.

  6. #596

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Martyrs of Chalcedon
    (Feast Day Sept 24 )

    A group of forty-nine Christians slain in Chalcedon during the reign of Emperor Diocletian . Records indicate that the martyrs were members of the choir in the church of Chalcedon.

  7. #597

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    "Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart."

    "A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace."

    (Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

  8. #598

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Peace be to you!
    the thing that we must learn from the saints, not only their lives but what they teach according what Jesus Christ commanded them to do or teach through the APostles..
    St. Cyprian says: “He cannot have God for his father who has not the church for his mother.”..Saints and Popes dogmatize like this "there is no salvation outside Catholic church". the only exception: invincible ignorance( as if you really dont know but you live a pius life according to your conscience), and who ever can perform perfect contrition before he/she die will be save..this doesnt mean also that kinsa tong mga na belong ani maluwas na tanan, sayop pud na siya nga are in the right church but you must work for it to gain the reward..sad truth is nobody cares now to be without good works is useless..they become saints because they follow strictly the teaching of Christ without questioning without murmoring and it pleases God. then we must learn from them..from the Book of My Imitation of Christ "if you can root out one vice a year, soon you will be a perfect man". God bless

  9. #599

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by rclong_rey View Post
    Peace be to you!
    the thing that we must learn from the saints, not only their lives but what they teach according what Jesus Christ commanded them to do or teach through the APostles..
    St. Cyprian says: “He cannot have God for his father who has not the church for his mother.”..Saints and Popes dogmatize like this "there is no salvation outside Catholic church". the only exception: invincible ignorance( as if you really dont know but you live a pius life according to your conscience), and who ever can perform perfect contrition before he/she die will be save..this doesnt mean also that kinsa tong mga na belong ani maluwas na tanan, sayop pud na siya nga are in the right church but you must work for it to gain the reward..sad truth is nobody cares now to be without good works is useless..they become saints because they follow strictly the teaching of Christ without questioning without murmoring and it pleases God. then we must learn from them..from the Book of My Imitation of Christ "if you can root out one vice a year, soon you will be a perfect man". God bless

    Very true indeed.

  10. #600

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by rclong_rey View Post
    Peace be to you!
    the thing that we must learn from the saints, not only their lives but what they teach according what Jesus Christ commanded them to do or teach through the APostles..
    St. Cyprian says: “He cannot have God for his father who has not the church for his mother.”..Saints and Popes dogmatize like this "there is no salvation outside Catholic church". the only exception: invincible ignorance( as if you really dont know but you live a pius life according to your conscience), and who ever can perform perfect contrition before he/she die will be save..this doesnt mean also that kinsa tong mga na belong ani maluwas na tanan, sayop pud na siya nga are in the right church but you must work for it to gain the reward..sad truth is nobody cares now to be without good works is useless..they become saints because they follow strictly the teaching of Christ without questioning without murmoring and it pleases God. then we must learn from them..from the Book of My Imitation of Christ "if you can root out one vice a year, soon you will be a perfect man". God bless
    I have Imitation overwhelm kog mubasa..ang ending dle naku ma human kay mag reflect ko hehehe Nice read!

    For me I believe it was St. Therese's autobio (Story of a Soul) that drew me back to God. She Love God more then anything else! and also our Blessed Mother.
    She is a good example to young people, she died young (24) and her doctrine gave lightto millions of souls and even to the simplest soul. No wonder she became a Doctor of the Church!

    Jésus, mon Bien-Aimé ! ~St. Therese

    Jesus, my Beloved!

    Priez Pour Nous Ste. Therese!

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