i'm more biased to globe 'coz i've been using there service since i got a phone until now. i've tried smart but i'm not really familiar with their services so i ditched my sim. now i'm using globe and sun (due to unlimited calls nga naay limit, hehehe)
ako advise nimo bro, think about the services that you need and select the network which would be able to provide you those services. all networks have problems. dli jud na malikayan. but if you are vigilant, dli jud ka mailad. like kana sa globe nako nga sendan ka ug tone nya kuhaan ug 15 imo load, i stopped the service and since ana, la najud magsend ug tone sa ako. ang uban man gud, magcge lang yaw2x na gisendan napod sila ug tone nya kuhaan napod ila load and they don't do anything about it. naa jud na sa msg na f u want to stop it, reply stop...... so naa rajud na nimo kung istop nimo or dli. for me, pgtxt nako nga stop, la najud nagsend ug tone. i use sun sad kay tungod sa unlimited calls, my wife is in ormoc city and i am in cebu city so we communicate everyday and txting sometimes its a hassle to txt so we use sun to enjoy unlimted calls.
so if you need unlimited txting, both networks offer it but it would depend on the people that you would be communicating to, if most people you correspond to are on this network then use that network. it really depend on what you need. good luck.