Speak out: Fed up with Veco’s lies
by John F. Goepper
(This letter is addressed to Bobby Nalzaro)
THIS is the letter I called you about. Let it be titled:
“For All Veco Subscribers Fed Up with Veco’s Lies.”
This is for all of Veco’s subscribers who are fed up with the lies Veco tells.
Towards the end of October ’96 to the beginning of November ’96, Veco came out in print (Sun.Star Cebu), saying that “There’s no more need for any scheduled brownout by Veco as they now have the training, expertise, & equipment to work on live power lines.” This lie was told after Veco received training from three major power companies from America. This lie came prior to the eight to 10M scheduled brownouts ago.
The next lie came in November ’05, in which Veco stated that there’d be NO MORE BROWNOUTS FOR FIVE TO SEVEN YEARS. This has been about 10,000 to 15,000 scheduled brownouts ago. Now, Veco has about one scheduled brownout per week, with a 12-hour duration each. In order to “upgrade” the Ermita Substation, this lie has occurred for about the past five to six weeks. My biggest question here is, does Veco know how to do anything except tell lies to its customers?
For the past three to four weeks, Veco has withheld the power from its customers for a total of between 33 to 34 hours. This past weekend, Veco told around three or four lies as to the reason for these brownouts. Lie #1) An earthquake around the Leyte grid. Lie #2) An explosion at the Leyte Substation. Lie #3) An explosion at the Ermita Substation. Lie #4) A car crashed into the Ermita Substation. Lie #5) A car crashed into the Leyte Substation.
I am totally fed up with all the lies that Veco is telling continually. All of these lies can easily be verified, just as I verified each and every lie told recently.
There has not been any instance that Veco revealed what actually happened.
Why does Veco feel it must lie to cover up for its inefficient and ineffective work? Veco is the only one who can answer these questions.
Considering that PLDT can and does issue credit for outgoing calls, pray tell me why Veco can’t do likewise? Don’t ask Veco, as all they’ll do is to tell more lies to cover up the mess they’ve caused.
One thing that happens whenever power is finally restored, meters run very fast. My friends and I have witnessed this anomaly. Veco needs to refund the hours of each and every brownout that it causes, for absolutely no reason at all.
Where I come from there’s this saying, “If it works, leave it alone, don’t mess with it.” I guess this is the only way Veco can make a reason for its line crew’s working all the time. All this amounts to are lies, lies and more lies.
Does Veco know how to do anything besides lie to its customers? I sure doubt it.