Printing Services hassle free, high quality printing for customers..
Perfect for teachers, students and etc..
Free delivery within the city..
Time will depend on the availability of me to deliver those prints..
Dont worry I commute to the city everyday..
Printer settings will be set at normal printing..
I can print bulk orders for books/ebooks, notes, handouts, wedding invitations, flyers, important papers and documents, test papers, birthday/debut/anniversary invitations, thesis, book reports and research..
you can email me the file and i will print it.. 50% downpayment required..
3 pesos short bondpaper substance 16
3 pesos for short specialty papers (you will provide the specialty paper)
4 pesos short bondpaper substance 20
4 pesos long bondpaper substance 16
5 pesos long bondpaper substance 20
5-50 pesos short substance 20 (depending on how large the image or colored area is)
10-55 pesos long substance 20 (depending on how large the image or colored area is)
minimum 100 pcs
you can contact me at 09223251415
Sample prints:
**camera phone was used to take these photos