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  1. #1

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    i honestly don't have a clue...

    please enlighten me and those who don't know..

  2. #2
    Editor-in-Chief thisbe.ara's Avatar
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    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    broken-hearted: someone who's hurt emotionally because of love.
    broken person: a choice to continue being broken-hearted.

  3. #3

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    me too.. lolz.. but really for me its like a broken person is sumone who lost his/her self esteem.. like he doesnt want to face the world anymore.. for what ever experiance he had.. at past.. may it be a matter of hearts.. love et al.. or it maybe a diff experience.. on brokenhearted its cause nny a love lost or on loosing somebody close to your heart but it doesnt mean that you are already a broked person.. it still up to you how you will let it affect you.. being brokenhearted doesnt necessarily mean that you are a broken person...

    well just my two cents worth.. dont take me seriously am kind a hungry

  4. #4

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    a broken-hearted person - is someone who broke his/her heart because of love, someone who is hurt because of love, maybe due to unrequited love, he/she has been dumped, his/her other half cheated, etc.

    a broken person - is someone who has low morale or self-esteem, who doesn't feel good about himself and who thinks that life sucks, this maybe due to his past experiences which may have affected his view in life, like continuous failures, death of lovedones, unachieved dreams, rejection from people etc.

    a broken person may or may not be broken hearted. a broken-hearted person may or may not be broken. it depends on the circumstances and the attitude of the person involved.

  5. #5

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    uhmmm... errr... gakamang guro ako IQ pero i still need more inputs...

  6. #6

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    broken hearted - a person whos heart was being hurt....
    broken person - a person whos life is a mesrable....i think...

  7. #7

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    broken hearted - na bu-ak ang heart.... hehehehe

    broken person - hahahaha.. na buthan cuguro ni og pabuto nag ka buwag2x ang mga body parts.. hehehehe...

    sorry modz.. ha pakatawa lang kow... hehehehe..

  8. #8

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    broken hearted: a person whose heart is broken
    broken person: that's what you'll be when you'll break a person's heart hehehe

  9. #9

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    broken hearted: caused by heartache
    broken person: caused by a lot of factors. probably it has to do with the person's childhood or something that happened to the person later in life. a broken person is a person broken in spirit.

  10. #10

    Default difference between being BROKEN HEARTED and a BROKEN PERSON

    somewhat connected.. if you're brokn hearted you're a broken person somehow.. but you can be a broken person even if you're not a broken hearted...

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