uuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppp ky nice mn... hehehehe
uuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppp ky nice mn... hehehehe
To receive, U must be ready to give.
To be forgiven, U must be ready to forgive.
To be healed, U must be a healer of others.
To be prosperous, U must be willing to give your share to
someone else's prosperity.
To be guided, you must guide where and when you are able.
With God, all things are possible.
Good day!
May God's love and peace be with you today and for all
the days to come.
Happy long weekend too!![]()
U asked for STRENGTH, and God gave u DIFFICULTIES to make u STRONG.
U asked for WISDOM, and God gave u PROBLEMS TO SOLVE.
U asked for PROSPERITY. and God gave u BRAINS & SKILL to WORK.
U asked for COURAGE, and God gave u DANGER to OVERCOME.
U asked for LOVE, and God gave u TROUBLED people to HELP.
U asked for FAVORS, and God gave u OPPORTUNITIES.
Have a beautiful day!![]()
Your life will be richer if you will make an effort to:
Mend a quarrel.
Search for a forgotten friend.
Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with a trust.
Write a letter to someone who misses U.
Encourage someone who has lost faith.
Keep a promise.
Forget an old grudge.
Express your gratitude.
Fight for a principle.
Overcome an old fear.
Tell the people around U that U care and love them.
Tell them again. And again. And again.
Remember, Christmas is fast approaching. Let's all have a cLeAn & hAPPY heart
and start the season right...
God bless.
Wishing U a beautiful weekend ahead!
Why did Christ choose to live in your heart?
He could have chosen your brain, your eyes, or your mouth...
He could have chosen another part of you...
But He chose your heart... because in the heart,
U love...
U choose...
U decide...
And it's the only part of you that can grow big enough
to contain the MAJESTY of GOD!
Man's heart is God's palace on earth. Let Him dwell in it forever!
God bless your beautiful heart!
Keep on for GOD's GREATER GLORY!
Sometimes, you have to give up something to make others happy...
You have to step back to put others ahead of you, and at times,
you have to forget about yourself for the benefit of many.
It may sound unfair, but in truth, that is the essence of
May God's love and peace be with you.
A blessed day ahead!
Don't count the things you've done for someone... instead count the number
of times you felt better, just because you made them happy.
God bless!
Each day means CHANCE. Chance to enjoy life to its fullest. Chance to correct our mistakes.
Chance to forgive. Chance to ask forgiveness. Chance to love and be loved.
Do not miss the many CHANCES that you have received today and everyday of your life.
God bless!
Most people walk in and out of your life,
but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.
God bless!
Our abilities, personalities, and physical features are no accident. God has crafted each of
us just the way He wanted to. When we feel prideful because we have accomplished a lot,
we need to realize where our abilities came from. On the other hand, If we are confused
or discouraged because we cannot seem to discover the meaning for our lives, we can
rest assured that Almighty God has divine purpose for us. "God doesn't love us because
Have a nice weekend!
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