Where can i download some compiler of PHP or ebook tutorials?
can i have some notes about PHP?
Unsa on ni nako pag run?
//I have some sample codes but i dnt know how to run this codes!! How?
Where can i download some compiler of PHP or ebook tutorials?
can i have some notes about PHP?
Unsa on ni nako pag run?
//I have some sample codes but i dnt know how to run this codes!! How?
to start you off, assuming you're on a Windows XP machine, install XAMPP : http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
Then go to www.devshed.com or www.onlamp.com (or thousands of other PHP / Programming sites) and find some tutorials that suit you.
to let you start is download a WAMP package na siya , Windows Apache MySQL PhP,
kung windows OS fans ka.... search lang sa google you can download that for free.....
then e install na nimo..... pag homan kay imo testingan kung pwedi naba ka mag code? or mag test sa mga scripts?
simply e run ng WAMP unya .......besure nga ni run jud ang services... apache and mysql
sa run command sa imo pyoter type ka
pag naay mogawas, ( morag index.php man tingali na nga naay logo sa WAMP ) meaning ready na ang imo port 80 ana, unya pwedi naka mo pa run og mga PHP scripts....
unsa-on pag buhat og scripts sa PHP? all you need is a simple editor ex.. notepad... mag code ka dinha unya e save as nimo as .PHP
with your wamp server is running e drag and drop lang na nimo ang imo php file sa browser.. og tsalannnnnnn.... it displays.......
pero kung gusto ka nga simplified imo IDE/framework/Editor para dili ka hasolan mag type or code? i suggest to have a ZEND Platform...... search lang japon sa google anang zend kay maka download ka ana for free...
o sapat naba na akong explaination sa imoha?
hope it helps
try PHPTriad it's nice. Probably a good start for you.
By the way, please read the NOTES well... or you might end up in a messy place.
Ask some of your friends how apache behaves, ask if how mysql-d-nt behaves.
also check some possible tweaks about apache.
running PHP codes, requires A Server (apache or iis) and the PHP interpreter
to use database you need MySQL running(mostly used these days)
by the way.. PHP, is not a compiler like C compiler does...hehehe..
it's direct scripting without compiling.
Feel like accessing a page on your server
of course you have to run it through http://localhost
http://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.php This is where I started.
I suggest bai you get down and dirty by learning how to install apache/mysql/php in Linux. Windoze poses so much security problems for me. The reason why you should learn it is because if you get a job as a php coder you most likely will be administering webservers as well. You'll be lucky if you only have to code. If you feel you still don't have the courage for this you can ask someone to prep a machine with apache/mysql/php for you and all you have to do is deploy files.![]()
@kyme: if you have followed what MOD chronnus told you and installed XAMPP successfully, you can start of by opening your web browser and type: http://localhost/
from there, you can start editing/testing source code in the htdocs in XAMPP directory.
try lang ug WAMP then upload your PHP file sa root directory which is usually "www" nga directory sa wamp... then access it with http://localhost/
depende nimu kung asa ka comfortable..
For advanced:
Go for LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-Perl/PHP/Python), most linux webhosting are running LAMP so this is the best way to learn on how manage the webserver, if you know how to install it then it will easy for you to manage it.
For Beginners:
Go for XAMPP for Windows/Linux/OSX platform or WAMP for windows, MAMP for mac, this is the best quick-down-and-dirty bundled solutions out there.
the PHP documentation is good start, but it may be confusing to some!!
PHP is very well documented so that would not be problem, then once you already started do a sample project!!
OT ko gamay.
PHP is not compiled it's interpreted just like java. Anyway, try looking at PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor most of what you need is in there.
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