did you know that studies show that the success of most people's weight loss journey was motivated by supporters, cheerleaders, buddies or basically by the people who were there WITH them in their journeys?
personally, i found that to be true.
i've started weight loss journeys multiple times in the past but i always had a hard time following through.
oftentimes, i stopped after just over a month. i knew it was because i lacked discipline but i found out that the major reason why i always stop short was because i lacked SUPPORT. i lacked COMPANY. my siblings were all in the slim side and my friends too. i do have cousins who also wanted to lose weight but our schedules don't fit and they feel that they had more important agendas.
what could be more important than your HEALTH?
health = life
anyway, to make the long story short, i realized that for me to succeed in my weight loss journey and to kick off the healthy lifestyle that i wanted, i need to form my own support group. however, pressing people to cheer for me is not gonna do the trick. i need one (or more) who has/have the same goals. so what i decided to find is a weight loss BUDDY. or partner. or company. call it whatever you want. i've always wanted to exercise, i've hit the gym before and i realized i didn't have problems with it (there are others who seem to be allergic to exercise). going to the gym is a good idea but ive recently realized that its a rip off (sorry). you pay tons of amount TO BE TOLD what to eat and what to do. YOU EVEN PAY THEM so you can lift heavy stuff (heh). i don't have anything against gyms, like i said i enjoyed some time there (i even lost almost ten pounds there). i might even be tempted to join one again. but my point is, irealized that the exercise i wanted is one that would take me outdoors, one that would make me really move (not just lift!) and one that would make me active. and would give me time to think (yeah, im a deep thinker). SO, i decided to take up walking and running.
now, back to the original issue, i find it difficult to stick to a schedule (at least for now) if i'm gonna be doing this alone. hence, the need for (an) EXERCISE/RUNNING BUDDY/BUDDIES.
if anyone here has the same goals as me (that is, lose weight, get slim and be healthy) and enjoys the outdoors, hit me up! just PM me and we'll set off ASAP! note: the more, the better.