Originally Posted by
You see, in the ancient times, phallus is revered and worshiped. Putting the p3nis beside Jesus' picture is no difference than putting Qur'an next to a crucifix or a picture of a sun with the sculpture of Zeus.
what about putting a pen!s on a picture of your mama's face will that not offend you? putting a quran next to a crucifix is not offensive unlike putting a pen!s on a person you love or highly respected. a pen!s is not bad but putting it in an improper way like placing it on a face of a thing considered sacred is considered a sign of disrespect to many people. people have different interpretations to things you know. thats why we have a lot of religions coming out. we need to be careful and sensitive enough so that we wont be misinterpreted by other people. we cant even type the word pen!s here in istorya.net and its automatically filterd and changed with asterisks.