Speaking of Host...
Kasuway ko ang ge hatag sa akoa kanang 1/4 sa dako kau na altar bread nga ge bless jd sa pari. ge sagol na lang tingale to dito.. nagkaboang kog pugong sa akong baba kay dakoo kau. Thank you Father. Wow ka dakong blessing jd ato.Also, I feel so blessed and happy whenever I receive 2 host.
The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.
Pope St. Gregory the Great
A Marian Apparition
Our Lady of Zeitoun
Please view this short video: The Virgin Mary Apparition 1968-70 in Zeitoun, Egypt - YouTube
The Apparition
The first apparition at Zeitoun was recorded on the evening of April 2, 1968 when a Muslim bus mechanic named Farouk Mohammed Atwa, who worked across the street from the church of Saint Demiana in Zeitoun, thought he saw a woman attempting suicide by jumping from the structure. Two other men also noticed a white figure on the top of the church and the sighting was reported to the police. A crowd gathered on the site and the police attempted to disperse it. According to the police, the sighting was just a reflection of the light from the street lamps. However, the crowds reportedly viewed the sighting as a clear apparition of Saint Mary, and so, the attempts by the police to disperse the crowd were unsuccessful. The event itself ended after a few minutes.
One week later on April 9 the phenomenon reoccurred, again lasting for only a few minutes. After that time apparitions became more frequent, sometimes two-three times a week, for several years, ending in 1971. Many healings and miracles were reported during the time of the apparitions.
The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Pope of Alexandria, Kyrillos VI appointed a committee of high-ranking priests and bishops to investigate the matter, headed by Bishop Gregorios, bishop of postgraduate studies, Coptic culture and scientific research[citation needed]. On May 4 Kyrillos VI issued an official statement confirming the apparitions[citation needed]. They were also confirmed by the Jesuit Father Dr. Henry Habib Ayrout, and by Rev. Dr. Ibrahim Said of the Protestant Evangelical Ministries[citation needed]. Nuns of the Society of the Sacred Heart also witnessed the apparitions and sent a detailed report to the Vatican, resulting in the arrival of an envoy on April 28 who also saw the apparitions and sent a report to Pope Paul VI.
The apparitions were also witnessed by President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television. Investigations performed by the police could find no explanation for the phenomenon. No device was found within a radius of fifteen miles capable of projecting the image, while the sheer number of photographs from independent sources suggests that no photographic manipulation was involved. Having been unable to produce an alternative explanation for the luminous sightings, the Egyptian government accepted the apparitions as true.
also check this link: The Apparitions of the Blessed Holy Virgin Mary to Millions in Zeitoun, Egypt
Its just too sad that a lot of people are making money out of it specially here in the Philippines .
Mamuhunan ug false revelations about APPARITIONS , WEEPING STATUES etc .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
I hope it wouldn't be improper of me to contribute here. Would it be a duplication if I included St. Joan of Arc? Executed by the ecclesiastical court in 1431 but found innocent 25 years later and then canonized by the Catholic Church in 1920. She's the French hero that's inspired generations and written about by poets and authors like Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw and Mark Twain. There are plays and movies about her life...and even Tchaikovsky wrote The Maid of Orleans opera for her. She held true to her faith even when political and church authorities connived to pin her down for heresy. At a young age of 19, when she was burned alive, she demonstrated a steadfastness to integrity that was beyond her age...and a stuff of legend.
My personal pick. Hope you don't mind.
St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars
(Feast Day Aug 26 )
Teresa Jornet e Ibars was the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Aged, better known as the Little Sisters of the Poor (not to be confused with the congregation also called this, founded in France by St. Jeanne Jugan). She was born on January 9, 1843, to a farmer Francisco Jornet and his wife, Antonieta Ibars, in the Catalan region of Spain.
From a young age, Teresa demonstrated a strong concern for the poor, often bringing them to the home of an aunt, where they were sure to receive assistance. She later moved to the nearby city of Lérida, living with another aunt, as she pursued her education. She grew up to become a teacher in the suburbs of Barcelona.
During this time, she felt drawn to the monastic life and applied for admission to the Poor Clares near Burgos. She was prevented from doing so, however, by anti-clerical laws then in effect. Due to this turn of events, she devoted herself to her teaching, and became a Carmelite tertiary to help in the development of her spiritual life. The death of her father was followed by a severe illness which kept her homebound for a prolonged period.
At that time, she was encouraged by her spiritual director, the Reverend Saturnino López y Novoa, to undertake the care of the many elderly people of the region who were living in solitude and poverty. This answered a strong sense of futility Teresa had been feeling in her life, and she accepted the challenge.
In 1872, she opened the first house to this end in the city of Barbastro. Among the small group of helpers who enabled this was her own sister, María. On January 27 of the following year, this small group took the habit and became a religious congregation, with Teresa taking the name of the great foundress of the Carmelite Order to which she had previously belonged, Teresa of Jesus. She was elected the first superior of the new community.
The members of the community were totally dedicated to the care of their aged charges. Mother Teresa of Jesus taught her Sisters to sacrifice their own personal comforts for that of the men and women for whom they cared, to the point of denying themselves even coats in the winter, which could be given to them. In addition to her intense commitment, she was noted for a strong air of serenity all her life, all of which drew many young women to join in her work.
An outbreak of cholera hit Spain in 1897. She joined the other members of the congregation in their non-stop care of the victims of this plague. By the time it had ended, twenty-four Little Sisters and seventy of their patients had succumbed to the disease. Worn out by this effort, she was physically overwhelmed and retired to the house in Liria, south of Valencia. It was there that she died, on August 26. At the time of her death, there were fifty houses of the congregation she had started.
Pope Pius XII beatified her in 1958 and she was declared a saint by Pope Paul VI in 1974. Her feastday is celebrated on August 26, the date of her death.
Tinoud gyud ni sir......Kini rabang mga hinampaka mao ni silay usa sa hinungdan nga daghan na nuon ang mawad-an ug pagtuo ug pagsalig sa Simbahan.
This is also the reason why the Church does not readily accept claims of holy apparitions and miracles even from noted pious persons,,,,they need to thoroughly investigate it first to avoid grievous errors.
True indeed...there were even instances wherein the ruling body of the Church itself were the ones who played the so called "devil's advocate" either by mistake or by sheer fanaticism.....an example (but not limited to)of this is the The Spanish Inquisition during the medieval period
And yes there were times when these humble saints suffered persecution both outside and within their Church,,,,,and I personally believe that what hurts the most is when it is your very own people who are/were persecuting you intentionally or unintentionally.
The furnace and the forge that our beloved saints endured are terrible indeed all for the love of God![]()
@ HITCH22 ...
True indeed thats why its always been a realization that RELIGION doesnt save us on a theistic point of view . Its the faith and love for GOD . We all know that religion is the most biggest PROFITEER in the world .
Yes , actually the Vatican have a committee for the investigative body . It takes years to validate claims yet the all the way along , gi guba na aning mga tawhana " FAITH " sa katawhan . A very good example would be the SIMALA SCANDAL . I firmly believed that the Our Lady of Simala is indeed miraculous yet gipahimuslan sa mga tao unta maoy mo padayag sa katawhan sa blessings na gihatag . Indeed full of greed and that money is the root of all eveil .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
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