[img width=500 height=146]http://www.knightfight.co.uk/img/header_portal.jpg[/img]

KnightFight Server 1

Another game from Redmoon Studios. Makers of the Monstersgame and Techwarrior.

Knights were the true followers of the king in the Middle Ages who went to battle for the king and for honour, glory and justice. Due to their respectability they became known as Knights of the Light. However, for many honour was not enough and they began to violate their oath and fill their treasure chambers with the loot they stole from the victims of their bloody rampages. These knights were known as the Horde of Darkness. Swear your oath of knighthood and choose your own destiny and allegiance through the decisions you make in-game! Fight for honour, glory, prestige and justice or earn your daily bread by carrying out brutal and immoral assignments. The decision rests in your hand!

Check out the link..