unsa man jud ang pabaga sa HAIR sa ulo!
y mn bro, nipis na imo hair? pila nmn d i imo age? unsa imo work? imo mga kaliwat baga o nipis ug hair?
kay if kaliwat ninyo nipis buhok, mura normal nana xa if monipis imo hair.
suwayi daw shampoos kabayo. mao man sulti nila.
svenson bro suwayi
try lang Virgin Coconut Oil.
naa mana baligya sa drugstore..pangutana lang...
Aloe Vera is good for your hair and scalp. Aloe Vera shampoos have been around for years. When it comes to hair, the fewer chemicals you expose your hair to, the better. Aloe Vera acts as a natural hair conditioner and can be used in place of chemical based conditioners. If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, reducing the amount of chemicals you put in your hair is an important first step.
Begin by taking your favorite shampoo (herbal shampoos seem to work best) and pour about half the amount you would normally use into a bowl. Add about twice that amount of Aloe Vera gel to the bowl and mix well. You may use Aloe Vera directly from an Aloe Vera plant . Once you are in the shower, wet your hair and simply shampoo your hair as you normally would. There should be no need for a conditioner afterwards.
If you have long hair and feel that you need for further conditioning, use only about half the amount of conditioner that you normally would. For short hair that needs more conditioning, after you wash your hair, take half a teaspoon of Aloe Vera and run it through your hair with your fingers. Let it stand for a few minutes and then rinse it out.
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