@TS dili diay puwede nimu i-post diri at least ang uban sad nga gusto o interesado duna nay idea what if di ko kauyon mausik lang ako time,much better imu i-share diri para makahibaw ko ug unsang isdaa na imu gi-offer then para pod makadecide ko kung mo invest ba ko o dili, with respect sa imung post i think you should tell about your company and the product you were dealing with, otherwise kami tanan or ang tanan makabasa sa imu thread hanging (magnga nga) kay wala man me idea unsa ni imu gi-offer di ba? it should be informative for us to know what is this all about? because you can not just tell like this here, unless you have some thing na maka hatag nako/namu ug idea,unsa ning isdaa sir....