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  1. #151

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Ok rman cguro ma frustrate ka sa mga nahitabo pero ang pagka arrogante aning instika murag dili man matulon.. tsktsk!!

  2. #152

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by Faeries View Post
    but as far as i've read he was in hurry to get to his daughter, his state of mind is not rational who will be anyway.

    Just place you self in his place and just maybe you'll see his point. He was looking for a shorter way to get to his daughter, nobody told him that flood was that deep, if you were in his place andun kana eh, baha rin din sa ibang lugar traffic pa would you not take the gamble?
    Kanang sulti2x nga nag-dali siya adto sa iyang daughter is not true at all. Ang storya sa mga naa taga-UP nga kaila niya is that dili pa siya anad kaayo mag-drive2x sa Manila. He just finished law school last March and is about to take the Bar exam this November. Taga-Davao na siya, he started driving in Manila when he was in law school na. Mao siguro wa pay buot mu-drive. Of course that does not excuse him from not admitting that he was at fault/displaying arrogance but cut him some slack. Non-issue man gyud ni, gi-pyestahan lang gyud siya sa mga tao nga way lingaw ug nangita ra ug ma-saway.

  3. #153

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    we dont knw unsa iya gihuna huna during the time it taitok guro

  4. #154

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovedogs View Post
    sige mog latos ni christopher lao. let him be in peace. how would you feel if you f*cked up one moment and then it becomes a viral sensation in a country full of hypocrites?
    if it were me? id tell myself i deserved it for being so arrogant.

    Quote Originally Posted by splendid moonlight View Post
    I don't know why some of you guys criticize Lao, who I don't know personally by the way, when you should be criticizing the content of our news these days. Why exactly do we want to know about a minor floating car incident involving an "arrogant" driver? Is this the sort of thing we expect to be informed about from such respected newscasters and reporters on television? Because seriously, if we want to laugh, the last thing we'd think about is watch news on TV, unless of course some of us only saw the clip accidentally - I don't know, perhaps some of our friends posted it on FB - and some of us simply decided to jump on the bandwagon of shortsightedness.
    I have to agree with you on this though, it wasnt something worth reporting esp. on national tv.

  5. #155

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    People should be made to see the arrogance of a person on camera.... we criticize, insult and degrade that person.... yes, he deserves it... lets not try to defend someone who has clearly lacked a sense of humility...this, though, is not unique to one Christopher Lao...there are more Chris Laos out there....who when found at fault, would rather blame others than himself....this elitist attitude is severely pervasive in our society....let Christopher Lao be the one to feel the brunt of criticisms, so that many people can learn from his mistake...lets not put ourselves in his shoes, ok? let him suffer the humiliation.... thats the most humane thing we can do for him....why? learning from this would hopefully make him a better person.... ang nakasala, sawayon! there is no place for sympathy for a guy who is way over his head....

  6. #156

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by RunningMartz10 View Post
    Kanang sulti2x nga nag-dali siya adto sa iyang daughter is not true at all. Ang storya sa mga naa taga-UP nga kaila niya is that dili pa siya anad kaayo mag-drive2x sa Manila. He just finished law school last March and is about to take the Bar exam this November. Taga-Davao na siya, he started driving in Manila when he was in law school na. Mao siguro wa pay buot mu-drive. Of course that does not excuse him from not admitting that he was at fault/displaying arrogance but cut him some slack. Non-issue man gyud ni, gi-pyestahan lang gyud siya sa mga tao nga way lingaw ug nangita ra ug ma-saway.
    if this is really true that his from davao and is a newbie driver and isnt familiar with manila roads, i think its 30% not his fault but seeing that flood and the volume of water on that area and by his misjudgement, 70% is still his fault for being stupid driving his sentra into it.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    this clearly shows lack of judgement on the part of Mr. Lao, which is so unfortunate for a product UP Law. Yes, humans as we are, we commit mistakes but this doesn't excuse us to be so arrogant and finds it so hard to accept our flaws then. No wonder, defense mechanisms come to place.

  8. #158

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by ezekiel View Post
    Ok rman cguro ma frustrate ka sa mga nahitabo pero ang pagka arrogante aning instika murag dili man matulon.. tsktsk!!
    btaw sakto gyud bro, arogante gyud kaau sad c chris lao oi...

  9. #159

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    What is there to talk about anyways ?

    Hasta ang ni apil na sa PAGPANAKOD sa VIRUS pod ?
    hahaha mao jud sir.. for me he's just another curious person who happens to be caught on tape for his curiousity..^^ i think all of us had one time of our life wherein we tend to learn it the hard way.. and i think this incident is just one that happened..

    and for all of us guys.. we all know that the press is doing just to attract people.. i think we should re.assess if the posted issues are worth to be thought of..

  10. #160

    Default Re: Ex-UP Law dean defends student who drove car through QC flood

    Quote Originally Posted by black_mamba View Post
    frustrated lng goro to xa... hehe
    naa d.ay ni diri, brother.? I SHOULD HAVE BEEN INFORMED.!

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