At this day and age, foodtripping has become peep's fun way of bonding with their family, peers, friends and even when they're alone. It is our nature as Filipinos to find pleasure in food in all sorts of cuisine may it be fine dining or simply "pungko"2x style.
Coming from a family of good cooks, weekends are always something we all look forward to since we forget our strict diet and simply let loose on all the gastronomic treats all laid on the table. And what better way to enjoy food is through fun small talks over old childhood memories, funny antics or silly anecdotes that we never get tired of.
In the spirit of fun foodtrippin', this special space is all for those peeps who share the same passion in delectable treats. You can fire away with your pics of your foodtrip of the hour/day or you can share stories of how you guys enjoy your food
Enjoy and feast on
please start your post with this info:
foodtrip with (your username)
introduction/story of your foodtrip
photo (pls stick with the standard size) -- optional