Physically I go for Chubbinx.. Chubby and Chinito... Coz they're so huggable and endearing.
Personality... Someone who can stir up my emotions or to put it simply, someone who can make me feel so alive!
Character... He's got to have strong convictions, values intact yet he can be mysteriously dangerous to spice things up.
"People who love to eat are always the BEST people."
Julia Child
Kanang batig nawng. Kanang bati gyud ug nawng. Kanang baho. Bati'g batasan.
bahala'g sexy and maau kaau manamit, basta open-minded.
intellegent ug limpyo ang tiil..dili lang ko mag explain..hehehe
^limpyo og tiil and nawong pud mora si pokwang og si mahal..saon
grabe ha pud sa mga comment... haha
gusto kog open-minded,sexy nga lempyo ha! og dato! lol
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