want to post a photo in this forum?
follow these 3 simple steps
prepare your photo
resize your image to 500 on the longer side @ 72dpi as much as possible...note your image size isnt over 100kb is recommended for faster loading

you may use any photo editing softwares like acdsee, photoshop, corel paint, picasa, etc.
upload image to a photo server (photobucket, imageshack,etc.)
example: go to
www.photobucket.com ang get a free account.
upload your image (click browse and look for ur file)
once uploaded,you will find below your image are three syntax.
URL, TAG, and IMG.
click on the img line (this will highlight everything)
right click then copy (or simply press ctrl+c)
put IMG line in your post. (right click then paste or simply press ctrl+v)
you may also use the url line. copy it on your post. highlight the url line and click on the insert image icon [img width=23 height=22]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/markyap/img.gif[/img]