MOD's please close, thanks sa buyers and thanks
Proc: Intel Pentium D 915 @ 2.8Ghz [2Cores 2Threads]
RAM: 1Gb [2x 512Mb DDR2 533 Kingston]
Mobo: MSI P965 Neo-F V2.1 [P965 Neo2]
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256Mb 128bit PCIE
Audio: Realtek HD Audio [built-in]
HDD: 80Gb IDE Western Digital
Case: Black and Ugly ATX Case with 600Watts PSU
Display: 17" CRT Monitor [black LG FLATRON ez T713SH]
Years of Service: 1year plus [can't exactly remember]
note: the case has 4drive bays, 2 have cover, 2 is missing. It's bad looking but does not affect its performance
I'll give 1week personal warranty
Ready to use with Windows 7 Ultimate and Office 2010, etc...
RFS: extra unit and need funds
Meetups near I.T. Park [UKMA Vill]
YM: dab_s_bad
Mobile: +639077417577
Actual Pic(s):
Monitor (Off)
Monitor (On)
Side [na-a square hole, ugly
Front [missing 2x 5.25" drive bay covers]