another waste of life ...
we're all so very sorry for the deaths of so many innocents at the hands of 1 man ...
but can't help but rue why the 700 youths in the island did not fight back ...?! ... it was 700 unarmed people against one armed idiot ...
!! ... if it was in Israel or even in the Philippines ... i doubt if the deaths would reach 10 ...
i also read that if this idiot is found guilty he will only be imprisoned for 21 years tops ... that's according to the harshest penalty their country's laws will allow ...![]()
ang pangutana xad ana kinxa unay mo hamag.? may pariha ni sauna nga mo hamag gyd.. nangahadluk xad guro 2ng mga youth oe.. ikw kuno naay idiot with gun di kaha ka mo tago.? kung ako mangitakug kilid oe..
Yup, and this is where he's probably going:
Halden Fengsel maximum-security prison
"The world's most humane prison" focuses on human rights and rehabilitation with only 20% return offenders. It's very interesting, how different is their ideology is in treating criminals.
and his lawyer told media that his client is not a criminal..
-unsa man diay tawag ana niya
Who would send their kids to a POLITICAL CAMP ? Sadly this made them targets of a deranged man who was opposed to the liberal immigration policies of their parents that has resulted in massive Muslim immigration to Norway and all the problems that go with it (e.g. an epidemic of rape by Muslims against ethnic Norwegian women) .
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