Originally Posted by
mga sir, my brother username DODIE Owner of COOL RIGZ COMPUTER SOLUTIONS has been pemanently ban from istorya for this violation more post in one page. without any warning he was banned automatically... nganu in ani man? ang gi butang sa status pag first --> ban will be lifted:is 10-8-2011 karon gi change to NEVER.. luuy kayo ako kuya ug ngano in.ana man mo oi..
well im sure nkadawat to siya ug infraction(s) before siya na ban. or iya ra gi ignore ang message and delete it without reading its content. basta successive iyang infraction ban na gyud na padong. much better if ang moderator gyud ang mo tubag ani para mailhan gyud kung unsay mga panghitabo.
additional info. last time i checked he posted 5 threads in 1st page. mao cguro to iyang last warning.