Guys, I need your advice....
I'm not insecure in our relationship but I do know my girlfriend has this close male friend who is actually her ex suitor (nag court niya before). I don't know the guy personally, but I know the guy is inviting my girl for a movie, coffee,party, dinner and asking my girl what time is her break?? and etc. Honestly this makes me jealous.
I already told my girl regarding this guy that sometimes I get jealous, which is normal. she doesn't mind talking about him to me and admits that he's one of those close male friends that he has, she enjoyed the company of the guy, the way he talks and etc. I guess that's good, but I'm not sure if I should be concerned or something.
The guy is sending invites over facebook, posting invites in my girls wall to watch a movie, have a coffee, asking what time is her break for dinner and etc. I don't know if it's appropraite...That concerns me a little, but I don't want to bring it up as such a big deal because I trust my girlfriend and she treats the same way and she has never changed. My only conern is regarding the guy, what if he has other intention for my girl not just friends??
I do sense my girlfriend cares about him a lot as a friend. Shoulde there be anything I need to look out for or something?.
need your advice or comments guys. Thanks