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  1. #1

    Default Health begins with the food we eat

    90% of diseases and illneses can be traced to what we eat and what we don't eat. Healthy and beautiful living begins with the food we eat. No amount of exercise can correct the toxins we induce in our body unless we take in healthy food. Healthy food can be expensive - but you can learn to start your own backyard food production growing fish and vegetables for as small as 2 square meters.

    Standard Philippine production pond is 5 fishes per sq.m. US RAS ( Recirculating Aquaculture System) can produce 100's or more per sq.m. right in your own backyard. Plus the bonus of the vegetables, like kangkong, lettuce, tomatoes, eggplant, etc., No chemicals, no fertilizers, pesticides, the fish feeds the plant and the plant feeds the fish...

    Modular and expandable, as you grow your knowledge you can add more modules and expand capacity - start sharing or selling your produce live fish and fresh vegetables without leaving your house. Ideal for houswives or retirees or handicaps(except blind). if you are serious to get started let me know.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    nice thread! thanks for the info!

  3. #3

    Default Good health begins with the food we eat

    The shape and color of the fruit has an impact on our health. For example the apple is good for the heart. The banana is good for our reproductive system, the almond is good for the eyes, the grapes is good for the lungs, etc., Surprisingly the color of the fruit has also a compatibility to each one depending on blood, for me a blood type "O", I have to go for black/dark red grapes - other color of grapes is not for me. Apples, I can't have the green apples, but dark red or red apples. Onions - not the yellow ones but purple ones same with garlic, - purple which is hard to find.

    Brocolli for iron deficiency, apples to lower cholesterol, avocado for healthy complexion, onions for circulatory problem, asparagus for the liver, radish for the gall bladder, pineapple, helps digestion, celery clam the nerves, kiwi rich in vitamin E, for skin and hear, these are technologies of the ancient past and I believe are still valid for now.

    Once again, this is luxury to what we can normally afford and have to find a way to grow this even for just family consumption.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    nice one!ü

  5. #5

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    The kitchen is a storehouse of medicines - garlic, ginger, onion, herbs and spices, and my most effective choice - apple cider vinegar(there are many cures for this very potent natural God given food). I believe that we were already provided by God all what we need to be happy and live in the planet earth.

    It pains me to sign-off on collaterals of our people working in the factory because they have no money to pay as DP or guarantee for the hospital to get decent medication or care- and myself-not of really good health as I had been sickly as well, thus for a few personal friends I had to search for cheap solutions for their ailments - such as a simple tooth ache - can be helped by gurgling salt water- or inserting a small piece of "garlic" in the hole of the tooth. By the way this is no substitute to "Professional Medical Care" - my solutions are cheap solutions - for those who really cannot afford.

    For Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar(you can buy this at the imported sections- supermarkets)
    you can use this for:
    1. Colon Cancer, the national cancer institute among othe respected medical institutions, hs found that garlic fights cancer of the colon. University of Texas researchers recommend daily consumption in their booklet, 50 fastt facts to reduce your risk of cancer. You can obtain the booklet by calling the NCI Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER, ( I lifted this from a magazines many many years ago.)
    2. Asthma, Doctors recommend one or two cloves or garlic with a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar and honey each morning to reduce the frquency and severity of asthma attacks.
    3. stomach upset, take two teaspoons of ACV in one cup of water to relieve nausea.
    4. Breast Cancer - researchers found that a diet consisting of just two cloves of garlic a day delayed the growth of breast cancer and reduced the number of tumors in laboratory animals. ( Obviously it will also reduce your friends - it really stinks when you sweat - office mates will protest- I've tried it...)
    96 many more next time to type...It might be that there will be lots of howl and protest as this has impact on the revenue of others...that's why this information is suppressed as much as possible. Simple God given solutions...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    i am a vegetarian since young.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Mutuu gyud ko anang gipanulti ni respetadong Jack Lalanne regarding sa healthy living:

    "If man made it, don't eat it."
    "If it tastes good, spit it out."

  8. #8

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveFoxv2.0 View Post
    Mutuu gyud ko anang gipanulti ni respetadong Jack Lalanne regarding sa healthy living:

    "If man made it, don't eat it."
    "If it tastes good, spit it out."
    hmm probably iya rason if man-made man gud daghan na chemicals gi add. sa food, if it tastes good kay kasagaran makadaot sa lawas, tungod sa components niya.

    kabantay ka mga walay lami na food healthy, like pure ampalaya, tea without sugar..etc.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Invest on good health and know-how(knowledge is power) in producing your own healthy food. Ignorance can be very very expensive and no matter how much money you have, God forbid, it will go down the drain if you or any member of your family gets into health problems that could have simply prevented. Hospitals, Doctors, Pharmacies and funeral parlor are your main beneficiares because of sheer ignorance on health and good healthy food.

    During the time of great depression in the 1930's in the US, the only people who had decent meals daily were people in the farm or those who owned farms. Now, with Aquaponics, we have a chance to produce our own food - fish and vegetables in our backyard, such that come - God forbid, great depression, pandemic, calamities, etc., we are able to sustain ourselves without outside supply of food. Food enough for each of the families that have prepared for these eventuality. History tend to repeat itself, and the wise should learn from history and the pattern it unfolds.

    There was a time somewhere in northern luzon when an area was quarantined because of an epidemic, hence no one get in or out of a certain sector. Once again, God forbid, but should it happen we would be ready if we are able to produce our own food. The direction of environment friendly systems is towards - decentralization, such that energy - power plant is will now be produced near the source not the centralized system with long wires to power lines - dangling along the road.

  10. #10
    C.I.A. gracie7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Nice thread, TS

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