Ways to prevent pimples:
1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. (more on citrus fruits).
2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
3. Have enough rest or sleep (7-9 hrs.)
4. Observe proper hygiene.
5. Do not eat to much sweets (chocolates) and peanut.
6. Do not eat foods that are very oily /fried.
7. Each morning you need to wash your face thoroughly to remove excess oil.
8. Then, be sure to get your face as dry as posible.
9. Avoid wearing heavy makeup (for women).
10. When the end of the day arrives, men and women should both wash their faces thoroughly to remove dirt.
Ways to remove pimples:
1. Don't ever pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple, this only causes it to become red and inflamed.
2. Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to a pimple and hold it there for about 2 minutes, this will decrease the swelling, redness and pain.
3. Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild and unscented soap.
4. Apply a cream or ointment containing benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid to the blemish or around the entire facial area.
5. If you're in need or a quick fix, a dab of toothpaste on the affected area right before bed can help soothe irritation and reduce redness.
If you follow these tips, chances are you'll notice a significant difference rather quicky- within 2-3 days.
Thanks for reading.